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The Marin Post - Most Read Articles in 2024
These are the most read articles on the Marin Post during the entire 2024 calendar year, listed in order of readership.
Many thanks to the entire Marin Post community for their participation and financial support!
CLICK ON the TITLES to read the articles

Governor, whose failed leadership has pushed California’s homelessness crisis
past the breaking point, resorts to attacking individual cities for their
... more

Our Hope for the Future of Fairfax
Teliha Draheim
The votes are in and the message is clear. Two new council members
have been elected by an overwhelming majority. Trailing behind by a
large margin are the three i... more

Save Friends Field at the Mill Valley Community Center
Bob Silvestri
This is the first in a series of articles investigating a misguided and ill-fated proposal by the Mill Valley School District (MVSD) Board to break its time-honore... more
The "Nanny State" goes too far
Bob Silvestri
Growing up in New York City, where the art of dodging cars rises to the level of an Olympic sport, the thing that is drilled into every child’s head is, “Look both... more

Alto Tunnel bike, pedestrian plan is a costly pipe dream
John Palmer
The Marin County Bicycle Coalition’s periodic campaigns to reconstruct the half-mile long Alto Tunnel make the proposal sound deceptively simple by using the misno… more
Governor Newsom Sues 1.3 Million Californians
By: Mimi Willard
More than 1.3 million Californians signed petitions to qualify the Taxpayer Protection Act (TPA) for November 2024 ballot. The outpouring of support shows vote... more

Prop 36 = Referendum on Prop 47
Gaetan Lion
The main objective of this essay is a review of Prop 47 track record over the past decade. A secondary objective is a short review of the merit of Prop 36, and it… more

Who’s Counting? How McKinsey Hyped California’s Housing Crisis
Zelda Bronstein
This article was originally published in The Brooklyn Rail and is republished with permission]
When Gavin Newsom was running for California governor in 2017, he ... more

SMART could waste $1 billion over next 20 years
By: Gaetan Lion - November 28, 2024 - 12:04 PM PST
I am not kidding. SMART could really waste $1 billion over the next 20 years if we let it. And, I am talking in real $2024 dollars. SMART only survives because o... more

Outstanding Candidate for Tam Union High School District Board – Amos Klausner
Lucy Dilworth
If you’ve been following the election for the Tamalpais Union High
School District Board of Trustees, then you know that five candidates
are competing for two seat... more

Rent Control -- A Forced Redistribution of Wealth?
By: Teliha Draheim
Marin County has become the center of a heated debate over rental
housing policy. Spearheading the effort for stronger rent control and just-cause-for-eviction reg… more

Why I oppose the proposed amendment to Prop 13, called Prop 5
By: Nick Waranoff
I oppose the proposed amendment to Proposition 13, which will appear on the ballot in November 2024 as Proposition 5. It will not only lower the percentage of vote... more

Marin County Crime Rate Trends
By: Gaetan Lion
Introduction Using the Marin County Sheriff Reported Crimes data, I
reviewed annual crime rate trends from 2013 to 2023 for 9 different crimes: Vandalism The... more
A Pig in A Poke: Measure A and Measure G
Mimi Willard
Two school bond tax measures are simultaneously generating huge
controversies in Southern Marin. There’s Tamalpais Union High School
District’s Measure A on th
… more

You want to pass on your home to your children. Repeal Prop 19!
Gaetan Lion
Prop 19 changed the assessed value of inherited homes. Before Prop
19, children would inherit their parents' home at their respective
assessed value. After Prop... more

Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association files Lawsuit to correct false statements in Prop. 5
Bob Silvestri
As reported in the Sacramento Courthouse News Service, the Howard
Jarvis Taxpayers Association filed a lawsuit (a Petition for Peremptory
Writ of Mandate)
in Sac... more

Redwood Credit Union is a formidable financial institution
Gaetan Lion
Summary Redwood Credit Union (Redwood) is perceived as a small
financial institution, a credit union, with an immaterial presence in
Marin County. A closer look ... more

The Rebirth Of Company Towns: New Solutions Or A Sign of Hard Times?
Bob Silvestri
Company towns have existed for as long as people have built cities.
Some of the earliest, notable examples were worker housing villages
built by the Egyptian Phara... more

Paradigm Shift: Part I: Rethinking Housing Affordability
Bob Silvestri
The following article is based on a presentation given at a Marin Coalition event held on April 10th at the Club Restaurant at McGinnis Park. Let’s start with... more

In memory of Sharon Rushton: Steadfast Marin County community advocate
Amy Kalish
With heavy hearts we say goodbye to Sharon Rushton, tireless community activist and environmentalist, who recently passed away — far too soon — after a brief illne... more

RHNA Quotas, Unfunded Mandates, Buffer Sites, and the CA State Constitution
Bob Silvestri
As more people wake up to the fact that new housing laws have forever changed the way our communities will grow and reduced the say California residents have in th... more

Dominican Valley Residents are Steaming Mad for Good Reason
Bob Silvestri
Deep in the heart of Dominican Valley sits a unique and spectacular piece of property: one of the last remaining, large parcels of wilderness land in the Black Can... more