Marin County CDA staff still refusing simple court order to restore community plans
Note: Bruce Corcoran, the prevailing plaintiff in the case against Marin County, wrote a powerful letter posted here. The letter is also in the public record at the County website. To the Marin County Board of Supervisors, I fully endorse Bruce... more »
Amy Kalish — Mill Valley
Medicare sends the wrong info on Medicare Advantage Options
Every year I receive inaccurate information from Medicare regarding Medicare Advantage plans options. This year I received this following notice: As shown, it suggests that you have 15 Medicare Advantage plan options. No you don't. I... more »
Gaetan Lion — Mill Valley
I respectfully disagree with Novato Council Member Wernick on sales tax sunset clause
Council member Wernick's letter in Monday's IJ states that adding a sunset clause to a sales tax, as recommended by the IJ, "creates a potential financial crisis for a future Council". Not so. The tax's sunset provides voters the opportunity t... more »
Bernard Meyers — Novato
Novato's Measure M needs a sunset clause
Fran Rozoff is one of my heroes. When she voices her opinion in support of Measure M, as she did in Wednesday's (10/9) the Marin IJ, I pay attention. I agree with much of her letter. My biggest disagreement is that Measure M has no sunset clause.... more »
Bernard Meyers — Novato
Open Letter to the Marin County Board of Supervisors, Re: CWP Revisions
The following letter was sent to the Marin Board of Supervisors, on October 12th, regarding the County Staff's proposed revisions to the Countywide Plan, to be considered at the October 29, 2024 BOS hearing Dear Marin Board of Supervisors, I... more »
Steve Disenhof — Mill Valley
Urge Marin BOS to uphold court order and the Planning Commission recommendation
POB 1703, Mill Valley, CA 94942; 415-686-4375 Marin County Board of Supervisors Via E-mail: bos@marincounty.org Re: Tuesday, October 29th (updated date) Marin Board of Supervisors public hearing about the Marin Countywide Plan Am... more »
Susan Kirsch — Mill Valley
Clueless Politico reporters on Newsom revoking the Housing Element in working-class Latino LA town
On October 3, 2024, Politico published the following article about the actions taken by Governor Newsom against the city of Norwalk. https://www.politico.com/newsletters/california-playbook/2024/10/03/newsom-lowers-the-boom-on-housing-00182315 Nor... more »
Michael Barnes — Albany
Urge the Marin County Planning Commission to continue its support of Community Plans
Note: The Marin County Planning Commission hearing is September 23, 2024. The follow up meeting with the Board of Supervisors, when the Commission’s recommendations will be heard, is scheduled for October 15, 2024 To the Planning Commission, T... more »
Amy Kalish — Mill Valley
Novato's Measure M deserves a public debate
The following comments about Measure M, the city's sales tax increase that will be on the November ballot, which I presented before the Novato City Council. Good evening. I’m Bernie Meyers, a former Novato mayor and City Council member. Suppor... more »
Bernard Meyers — Novato
Novato's Measure M flyers contain misleading information to get public to support new taxes
The following comments were submitted before the Novato City Council, last evening during public open time. Good evening Mr. Mayor, Councilmembers and staff, Early this year, Novato mailed residents slick multicolored flyers at taxpayer expens... more »
Bernard Meyers — Novato