The Marin Post

The Voice of the Community

About Us

The Marin Post is the premier publishing platform in Marin County and the San Francisco Bay Area for "citizen journalists" who have a passion to write substantive, factual, content about issues of community concern.

DISCLAIMER:  The opinions expressed on the Marin Post are solely those of the authors and are not endorsed nor do they reflect the opinions of this publication or its parent organization, Community Venture Partners, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization

The Marin Post is a project of Community Venture Partners, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and is dependent upon grants, donations and other forms of public support. Our mission is to empower writers and provide an online platform for discussion of issues.

The Marin Post is a user-generated venue for citizen journalists to create substantive, factual, long-form content, post notices, or link news articles about issues of general community concern in Marin, the SF Bay Area, and California. As such, the Marin Post has no staff writers and does not create content as a publication--other than linking content on other websites--nor do we take editorial positions on issues.

The Marin Post is not a traditional newspaper or Facebook or Nextdoor or a place to post personal updates, personal ads, "how to" information or marketing information to a business or other subjects that are better served by social media, classified ads, and mainstream news organizations. Our scope also does not include national or international politics, which are well covered by traditional media and social media unless the subject is something that has direct impact on California residents.

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NOTE: The Marin Post only supports current versions of industry standard browsers. We recommend using the new Firefox, Chrome, or Safari for creating a Post.

Marin Post Community Guidelines

Updated 07/01/20

The Marin Post is dedicated to providing you with an online platform to share ideas, SF Bay Area news, and opinions. To preserve a positive and professional environment we ask that you please follow some basic ground rules.

NOTICE ABOUT COMMENTS. Comments about posts are welcomed, but personal, defamatory, and unfounded attacks, dog-whistles, race-baiting, or innuendos about the author of a post or their intentions, will not be tolerated and will be deleted. Multiple violators will be permanently banned.

If a person cannot make their point without attacking the messenger, then they have no point to make.

  • Please treat fellow members of the community with respect and good will. Act in good faith and assume others are acting in good faith as well.
  • Be conscientious about the content you post on the Marin Post. Text can sometimes be ambiguous and convey a harsher tone than intended. Similarly, be generous in how you interpret what others write to ensure that you understand their intentions.
  • Do not post or link content that is graphic (including depicting gratuitous violence) or offensive to others, or inconsistent with the community's goals of sharing ideas, news, and opinions.
  • Do not create multiple, duplicate posts.
  • Do not intentionally make misrepresentations, post false information, or attempt to mislead others.
  • Do not infringe the rights of others, including their intellectual property rights and privacy.
  • Do not libel, harass, threaten, taunt, insult, deceive, misinform, mislead, defraud or personally attack others. If you must criticize, criticize the content and not the writer, and try to do so constructively.
  • Do not make comments or post content that is hateful, racist, sexist, homophobic, trans-phobic, ageist, explicitly sexual or otherwise intolerant of or directed against others.
  • Do not make unfounded accusations or threats (including threats of physical violence or illegal acts), or other forms of emotional or psychological attacks.
  • Your account information must be complete, accurate and truthful. If you create an account found to be using any false information, it will be blocked or deleted, immediately.

NOTE: The Marin Post strives to maintain a high level of journalistic integrity and quality of content that is intellectually rigorous and offers an evidence-based exchange of ideas. The Marin Post reserves the right to edit or remove any content that in its sole opinion is insensitive, false, excessive, offensive, harmful, defamatory, or otherwise inappropriate. The Marin Post may block or remove any content that violates these guidelines, and may block, suspend, disable, or delete the accounts of users who violate these guidelines. For more detail, please read out Terms of Use. Please note that the opinions, statements, beliefs, or information posted by Contributors or Guest Users on the Marin Post web site are solely their own and are not endorsed by nor do they reflect the opinion of The Marin Post, its donors and sponsors, or Community Venture Partners, Inc.