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Board of Supervisors Pubic Hearing - Homekey project 1251 S. Eliseo Dr. - Feb. 15th
3501 Civic Center Drive. Room 330
San Rafael, California
8:30 AM PT - 1:00 PM PT
The Project Homekey / Permanent Homeless Housing located at 1251 S Eliseo is up for a final vote before the Marin Board of Supervisors this Tuesday, February 15th.
Be sure to attend and make your voice heard!
This is the last chance for the community to be heard and to voice your objections to this $29M project to permanently house 43 to 50 chronically homeless individuals, without any guarantee of public safeguards and no coordination with local law enforcement agencies or local social services agencies!
If you cannot attend, call or email the Marin County Board of Supervisors, immediately, and urge them to vote “No”.
Visit our informational website to learn more and to sign our petition to keep our children safe by stopping the homeless facility next to playground and schools.
CLICK HERE to read an informative article about the project proposal, on the Marin Post.
Tenants at the 1251 South Eliseo Drive Homekey project will include high risk individuals--those with documented mental illness, substance abuse, criminal backgrounds, and other disabilities. But at the property, there will be:
- No mandatory drug testing required for known drug users living at the project or prohibitions against drug use inside their unit;
- No sobriety testing or requirements for alcoholics, even on the premises;
- No mandatory COVID vaccinations for tenants;
- No mandatory psychiatric care, monitoring, or counseling for tenants with documented mental illness;
- No mandatory monitoring or counseling for tenants who are documented felons or Tier 1 or Tier 2 sex offenders;
- No prohibitions against tenants owning weapons, if legally registered;
- No requirement for tenants to be employed or to seek employment;
- No limits to the violent or destructive behavior of tenants inside the property or outside the property that are grounds for eviction, other than those rights afforded any other California landlord under rental law; and
- The much-touted “wrap-around case management” and “educational, vocational, and behavioral health services” offered at the facility are strictly voluntary for the tenants.
When: Tuesday, Feb 15th @ 8;30 AM
Where: Civic Center, 3501 Civic Center Dr, San Rafael, Room 330
Wear RED to show your opposition.
Make and bring a “No on Project Homekey” sign if you can.
Come prepared to comment. If they limit public comment to a shorter period be prepared to abbreviate and end statements with urging the Board of Supervisors to Vote NO.
Contact Phone: (415) 473-7331