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Statewide Town Hall on Housing Bills 9 & 10

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August 7, 2021
10:00 AM PT - 11:30 AM PT


Next Saturday, August 7 @ 10a.m. there will be a Statewide Town Hall regarding SB 9 & SB 10. The event is organized by norther and southern local and statewide groups including Catalysts for Local Control. Other organizers include California Alliance of Local Electeds (CALE), Livable California, Montecito Association, and United Neighbors.

Every group involved with this Town Hall is asking people on their distribution lists to send out the enclosed flyer to their contacts. Our goal is to get 500 or more attendees. You can help make that happen.

Time is critical since the Assembly returns on August 16 and will create a flurry of activity.

We want to educate and warn as many people as we can. We want a huge turnout. So far we are getting a strong response. Help us get to 500!

Thank you for all the outreach you have already done.

Legislators like to promote SB 9 and SB 10 as if they will meet the need for affordable housing, They will not! These bills are a massive give-away to developers and real estate investors who will maximize profits by building luxury and market-rate housing.

Legislators gloss over the negative impacts of density, congestion, loss of parking, privacy, and safety. They ignore the loss of trees and greenery that protect air quality, ground water retention and cooling; and they take away decision-making from locally elected officials who know and care about their communities.

Sign up for the Town Hall. Inform your network. Join the fight to protect single-family homes and neighborhoods, the environmental, and local control.

Organization: Catalysts for Local Control & Others

Contact: Susan Kirsch

Contact Phone: 415-686-4375

Contact Email:



SB 9, SB 10, CALE, Livable California, Montecito Association, United NeighborsToni Atkins, Scott Wiener