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BUILDING BRIDGES: Law Enforcement and Young Adults
720 Diablo Avenue
Novato, California 94947
10:30 AM PT - 12:00 PM PT
Event Intention: In light of the increased school shootings, and the difficulties youth often face with law enforcement, the AHO Youth Team, comprised of previously homeless youth and their peers, are spearheading this event to bridge the gap in understanding between youth and law enforcement.
Goal: To schedule Building Bridges events in all Marin high schools - before summer break, or in the Fall.
Zara Babitzke, Founder and Executive Director of Ambassadors of Hope and Opportunity
Launch Date: Thursday, May 10, 2018
Location: Marin Oaks High School, 720 Diablo Avenue, Novato, CA 94947
Time: 10:45-11:45am
Food: Lunch, Pizza, drinks following
Estimated Participants: 78 students + staff
Target Audience: AHO Youth, HS Students, HS Teachers, Counselors, Staff, Resource officers & Law Enforcement
Event Collaborators: AHO Youth Team, ASCOM President of student government at COM Ismail Azam, Jay Hamilton-Roth, former chair of Marin County Grand Jury, Marin County & COM Law Enforcement Chief Jeff Marozick, Officer Tony Spediacci, Chief Adam McGill Novato PD, Anna Pletcher, Volunteer Youth Court Judge and Kessa Early, Principal Marin Oaks High School
Organization: Ambassadors of Hope and Opportunity
Contact: Zara Babitzke
Contact Phone: 415-381-7173
Contact Email: