The Marin Post

The Voice of the Community

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PLEASE NOTE: We strongly advise you to NOT USE A COMCAST EMAIL ACCOUNT. We have found that Comcast is no longer a reliable email delivery provider. If you do use a Comcast email account and do not receive our Weekly Update, please notify us immediately.

Your name and city will be published when you Create a Post. No personal information (email address, etc.) will not be published unless you choose to share it.

We advise you to keep your email address and password confidential. You must use your real name to create an account. Partial names, pseudonyms, or fictitious accounts will be blocked.  Please read our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy carefully. Please keep our Community Guidelines in mind when posting.

Note: The Marin Post only supports current versions of the following industry standard browsers to create posts. For best results we recommend using the latest versions of Firefox, Chrome, or Safari.

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