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Reneson Hotels
Corte Madera Planning Commission to review Corte Madera Inn Expansion Plan
498 Tamalpais Drive
Corte Madera, California 94924
7:00 PM PT
The Corte Madera Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider approval of the proposed Corte Madera Inn expansion plan on Tamal Vista Boulevard.
The Planning Staff of the Town of Corte Madera has issued the memorandum, linked below, regarding the upcoming public hearing, at the Planning Commission, to review the proposed Corte Madera Inn expansion plans, on January 12, 2016.
This memo summarizes questions and requests for information provided to staff by individual
Commission members that will be shared with the applicant for the Corte Madera Inn Rebuild project in
anticipation of the January 12, 2016 Planning Commission public hearing. This summary was requested
by the Commission at the December 8, 2015 Planning Commission public hearing, and is intended to
facilitate more efficient discussions and deliberations by providing the applicant and staff time to obtain
information and prepare responses prior to the January 12, 2016 public hearing.
Organization: Corte Madera Planning Commission
Contact: Adam Wolf
Contact Phone: 415-927-5064
Contact Email: