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Tomorrow-Antidote to Hopelessness-Joanna Macy, Harvey Wasserman, Dennis Bernstein +
1924 Cedar @ Bonita
Berkley, California 94709
4:30 PM PT - 9:00 PM PT
Berkeley: 2016: New Beginnings to Activate for The Best Year Ever!
January 10, 2016 at Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists in Berkeley.
Come One! Come All!! Diverse Issues to Discuss & Strategize creatively about, with expert facilitators, Community & Good New Years Cheer! Tired of Fighting the Power? Let’s BE the Power in 2016!Are you tired of feeling pulled to support the MANY different social and environmental justice issues, the constant meetings, protests, groups asking for your support and presence? Let’s get out of our separate “silos” and brainstorm on uniting in 2016 to BE the power. In this election year we have a huge opportunity to reject corporate-controlled elections and candidates, and to unite behind human needs and justice. Here’s the plan!
Potluck Dinner, Presentations, Issues Roundtable, Music, Video, Info Tables. Refreshments & creative schmoozing throughout the evening.
Sunday, Jan. 10, 4:30-9 pm at Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists, 1924 Cedar @ Bonita, Berkeley. Wheelchair accessible. Donations Appreciated!
4:30- 6:00 pm Program, Part 1
6:00 pm Community Vegetarian/Vegan Potluck dinner (please label your dish’s ingredients)
7:00-9:00 pm Program, Part 2
With Joanna Macy, Harvey Wasserman, Linda Seeley, Jon Simon, George Lippmann, Berkeley Progressive Alliance,
BFUU Social Justice Committee, Codepink Women for Peace, Berkeley Peace and Justice Commission, Bill of Rights Defense Committee, Stop Urban Shield, Sunflower Alliance, Black Lives Matter, many more!!!
Roundtable presentations + planning and organizing for action on social and environmental justice issues, including:
• Shut Guantanamo, entering 14th year of operation on Jan. 11, 2016, release the Cleared Detainees, Prosecute Torture Policy Officials, including John Yoo at UC Berkeley and Judge Jay Bybee on the Ninth Cicuit Court in San Francisco.
• End Election theft and voter suppression in 2016: what must we do to stop election theft & win a verifiable vote count?
• Berkeley Progressive Alliance: Can Berkeley elect a progressive Mayor and City Council in 2016?
• Shut the Diablo Canyon Nuke in 2016, make the PUC and NRC do their jobs to shut PG&E’s Diablo, implement financially sound and efficient solar and clean energy policies
• Black Lives Matter: Civilize the police in 2016, make them accountable and respectful to our community, stop racial profiling, brutality and murder, how to support community-centered policing.
• End illegal military and CIA drone use in 2016; support drone whistleblowers!
• Environmental justice issues in 2016: clean air, water, food; stop fracking, dirty oil/coal trains, GMOs, chemtrails
• Local Environmental and Social Justice issues: In 2016, prevent high-rise “Manhattanization” of Berkeley, save our neighborhoods, create more affordable housing, defend East Bay forests, don’t criminalize homelessness
Joanna Macy: eco-philosopher, Buddhist scholar, author of 12+ books, co-founder of “The Work that Reconnects”.
Harvey Wasserman: author of Solartopia, American journalist, author, democracy activist, green power advocate.
Linda Seeley: Spokeswoman, San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace, legal intervenors against Diablo Canyon nuclear plant.
Jon Simon: author, Code Red: Computerized Election Theft and The New American Century, a call to action for election integrity.
Shahid Buttar: Bill of Rights Defense Committee.
Susan Harman: Oakland Privacy Working Group; Public Banking Institute.
John Lindsay-Poland: American Friends Service Committee, Stop Urban Shield.
Mike Rufo, Vic Sadot, Francis Collins: social justice musicians.
Ann Fagan Ginger: Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute.
Cynthia Papermaster: Berkeley No More Guantanamos; BARC (Barkers Agitating for Reactor Closures).
Toby Blome: Codepink anti-drone organizer.
Paul Kangas: solar policy activist.
George Lippmann: Berkeley Peace and Justice Commission.
Contact to add your roundtable issue to the program! We also intend to live-stream this event on the internet!
Sponsors: Codepink Women for Peace, BFUU SJC, Veterans for Peace, No More Guantanamos, Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute, Center for Constitutional Rights, ACLU, National Religious Campaign Against Torture. Contact/Info: Cynthia, 510-365-1500.
See 2016: New Beginnings to Activate for The Best Year… on Evensi
Address: 1924 Cedar St, Berkeley
Find other events at Berkeley on Evensi!
Jan 8, 2016
Organization: Fairfax Tomorrow
Contact: Valeri Hood
Contact Phone: 415-454-2874
Contact Email: