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Reneson Hotels
Planning Commission hearing on the proposed Corte Madera Inn Redevelopment Plans
498 Tamalpais Drive
Corte Madera, California
7:30 PM PT
The Corte Madera Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to review and take public comments on the proposed redevelopment and expansion plans for the Corte Madera Inn. The Final Environmental Impact Report has been released and is available for review on the town web site.
The hearing is at 7:30 p.m. on Dec. 8. The hearing will be at the Corte Madera Community Center at 498 Tamalpais Drive. For more information on the Corte Madera Inn rebuild project visit the Town of Corte Madera web site here.
Public comment is an important part of the town's decision making process.
The Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) has been published and can be accessed on the Town of Corte Madera website via the following link: It is also viewable at Corte Madera Town Hall, Lower Level, 300 Tamalpais Drive, during the hours of 8:00-11:30am and 1:00-3:00pm, Monday through Thursday, or by scheduling an appointment by calling (415) 927-5064.
The FEIR includes all of the comments received on the
Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) and the Recirculated Draft
Environmental Impact Report (RDEIR). Responses to previous community comments, and
any changes to the DEIR and RDEIR, are also included in this document
along with the draft Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program.
Organization: Corte Madera Planning Commission
Contact: Adam Wolf - Director of Planning
Contact Phone: 415.927.5059
Contact Email: