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Town Hall 4-Part Series: Housing: What Matters? Safety, Taxes, Elections, & the Constitution
5:00 PM PT - 6:30 PM PT
The California Housing Challenge: What Matters?
The 2024 4-part Catalysts Town Hall Series asks “What Matters?” It affirms that, of course, affordable housing matters, but also Safety, Taxes, Elections, and the Constitution.
Aug 15 – Safety Matters – The primary responsibility of elected officials is to protect the safety of residents. Yet state-imposed housing density quotas (called Regional Housing Need Allocations or RHNA) based on bogus calculations are increasing fire risk, decreasing evacuation routes, and increasing insurance costs. The state promises more affordable housing, but the California Dream is collapsing into a California Nightmare. Watch harrowing footage of the Sonoma fire (View the trailer “Small is Beautiful: The Quest to Save Valley of the Moon). Learn from filmmaker Carolyn M. Scott, Turtle Island Films, and Amy Kalish, Director, Citizen Marin.
Sept 19 – Taxes Matter - Learn about Regional Measure-4 which proposes to fund the new Bay Area Housing Finance Authority with a $20B, 50-year bond paid for by residents of the 9-county Bay Area and governed by MTC/ABAG. Presenters: CPA Tom Rubin, Steering Committee member, $20Reasons to Vote No on the Bay Area Housing Tax, and Susan Shelley, VP, Howard Jarvis Foundation.
Oct 17 – Elections Matter - Meet three women stepping up to challenge state Assembly incumbents in the November election: Margot Smith, Lydia Kou, and Liz Lawler.
Nov 21 – the Constitution Matters - Hear an update from attorney Pam Lee, Aleshire & Wynder, who won the charter cities' case against SB9. Learn how your city can become a charter city from Sunny Soltani, Aleshire & Wynder.
Catalysts Institute president Susan Kirsch will moderate the Town Hall series. Catalysts is a statewide nonprofit organization that educates, engages, and empowers elected officials, community leaders, and the general public.
Learn more about the Town Hall series here and register to get the Zoom link here. All sessions are on Zoom on the 3rd Thursday of the month (Aug-Nov) from 5-6:30 pm.
You're welcome to join colleagues on a regular Monday night Catalysts Call on Zoom from 5-6pm. Do you appreciate Catalysts' mission? Support our work with a donation.
Feel free to forward this information to your local paper and colleagues concerned about housing and safety.
Catalysts thanks our partners: Alameda County Taxpayers Association * California Alliance of Local Electeds (CALE) California Cities for Local Control * Citizen Marin * Coalition for San Francisco Neighborhoods * Friends of the Hills *Los Altos Residents * Our Neighborhood Voices * Palo Altans for Sensible Zoning (PASZ) * United Neighbors * West Bay Citizens Coalition. If your organization would like to join as a Partner, sign up here.
Organization: Catalysts Institute for Local Control
Contact: Susan Kirsch
Contact Phone: 415-686-4375
Contact Email: