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Marin Green Drinks

Want to Do Something About Climate Change and Don’t Know What?

Lotus Cuisine of India
812 4th St.
San Rafael, California 94901
August 13, 2024
5:30 PM PT - 7:30 PM PT

Climate change is the most urgent worldwide issue of our time. It's happening now. Hotter temperatures, rising sea levels, extreme weather.

Climate change comes from human activities that release greenhouse gases, which cover the Earth and trap the sun's heat.

Join us on August 13 at Marin Green Drinks with speaker Anne-Christine Strugnell from Resilient Neighborhoods.

Become part of the climate solution in Marin County!

Learn about the free 5-session workshop series to reduce your carbon footprint.

RSVP Here:

Click for more details

Organization: Marin Green Drinks

Contact: Alex Kahl

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