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RHNA is Rigged! What Can Be Done About It?
5:00 PM PT - 6:30 PM PT
Join Michael Barnes, a retired 8-year Albany City Council member, as he explains how the Regional Housing Need Assessment (RHNA) process morphed from a collaborative planning tool to serve communities to a weaponized tool to serve builders and investors.
Barnes wrote a column with the headline, “The mandate that Berkeley build 8,934 housing units is both a disaster and a scam.”
Californians are fed up with faulty state-mandated housing quotas that put outside monied interests in charge of planning. Legislators, and state and regional agencies, jeopardize residents with increased costs for housing, inadequate infrastructure, accelerated environmental degradation, unsafe conditions, and the loss of local control. Under the tattered banner of “affordable housing,” Sacramento's poor housing policy keeps making matters worse.
Barnes' talk is the second in a four-part series hosted by Catalysts for Local Control called “Stop State Takeover: Preserve Local Control.” Besides describing the problem, Barnes will describe what elected officials and community members can do.
On Wednesday, September 7, Bob Silvestri, president of Community Venture Partners and publisher of The Marin Post, will present at the third Town Hall on the theme “Housing Solutions and California’s Failed Housing Policies.”
On September 21, Mike Griffiths, Torrance City Council member and founder of California Cities for Local Control, and John Cruikshank, Rancho Palos Verdes City Council member, will talk about why their cities joined litigation against SB-9.
In the first session of the Town Hall, Attorney Pam Lee described SB9 lawsuits and potential litigation. The recording is available here.
The Catalysts Town Hall series is free and open to the public. You must register to get the Zoom link, which works for the entire series. To register, go to
Catalysts is proud to acknowledge these organizations: Better Cupertino, CA Alliance of Local Electeds (CALE), CA Cities for Local Control, Citizen Marin, Coalition for San Francisco Neighborhoods, Hills 2000, Friends of the Hills, Livable CA, Los Altos Residents, Our Neighborhood Voices, Palo Altans for Sensible Zoning ( PASZ), Sustainable Tam Almonte, United Neighbors, and
Valley Village Residents Association.
If your group is engaged in finding housing solutions that defy Sacramento's housing scams, you're invited to join as an Endorser of the Town Hall series. It's easy. Stand in affiliation with other local and statewide groups working together for the community good, not investor profits.
Organization: Catalysts for Local Control
Contact: Susan Kirsch
Contact Phone: 415-686-4375
Contact Email: