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Courtesy of Cassie Jaye
Marin Filmmaker Cassie Jaye Presenting at TEDxMarin
835 College Avenue
Kenfield, California 94904
6:00 PM PT - 10:00 PM PT
Marin documentary filmmaker Cassie Jaye will be presenting on her highly provocative film, The Red Pill, about the Men's Rights Movement at TEDxMarin on September 9, at College of Marin. In addition to the film itself, Jaye will be speaking of the vitriol and censorship she faced in her world tour with the The Red Pill.
Here is my review written at the time of initial release:
In my introduction to Telling Their Own Stories: Conversations with Documentary Filmmakers I compared the watching of documentaries to taking The Matrix’s ‘red pill’ the act of which indicates the taker is committed to seeing the world as it is—not as they imagine or wish—just as it is.
Marin County filmmaker Cassie Jaye’s latest release, The Red Pill, is well-titled. Jaye decided to learn the core issues of something most of us have little to no knowledge about—the Men’s Rights Movement (MRM).
When I first learned of Jaye’s latest project I was confused and befuddled. Why would she cover this seemingly non sequitur, politically-incorrect subject? But, I’d seen Jaye's first two feature docs, Daddy I Do and The Right to Love: An American Family, and understood that’s Jaye’s way. She chooses tough topics.
Jaye saw the Men’s Rights Movement as dominated by hate-filled misogynists promoting misogynistic policies and behaviors. She decided to see if her perception was accurate, and spent a year speaking with leaders and followers of the movement. Jaye emerged from her fall down this rabbit hole with a radically changed view of MRM and gender issues.
Jaye peppers her film with clips from ‘Cassie's Video Diary,’ a video journal made during filming. She documents her internal struggles with the information she is receiving. These clips enable us skeptics to be open to her conclusions—they make this red pill more bio-available.
I confess.
I was skeptical that Jaye would convince me of the virtues of this
movement. I am passionate about women’s rights, and bemoan the many ways
men mistreat and discriminate against the female gender—a worldwide
phenomenon which seems registered in us males’ genes.
But, she did it. Yes, there are misogynistic members of the Men's Rights Movement, but Jaye reveals that the movement’s core issues are valid and deserve much more attention.
This is what the best of issue-based documentary films do. They challenge us with information we don’t want to hear, to accept. Cassie Jaye has become quite adept at creating and dispensing these red pills.
Organization: TEDxMarin
Contact: Bob Ayres
Contact Phone: 415-785-8873
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