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public domain
Decision to put Golden Gate Village on the National Register of Historic Places
1400 5th Avenue
San Rafael, California
9:00 AM PT
Your Voice - Your Choice
Attend and be Counted - Honor the Past
The State Historical Resources Commission will meet on July 28th in the San Rafael City Council Chambers to hear the Golden Gate Village Resident Council's application to place the Golden Gate Village public housing apartments project on the National Historic Register of historically significant buildings.
The proposal includes a "deep green" retrofit and rehabilitation of the entire complex to restore and preserve this invaluable community and national resource.
The full draft of the application is attached below and linked HERE.
Attend the July 15th GGV Resident's Cookout at 100 Drake Avenue in Marin City, from 1 pm to 4 pm, for more information.
Organization: State Historical Resources Comm / National Register of Historic Places