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Center for Food Safety

Will you "bee" the difference?

Center for Food Safety
June 20, 2016

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It’s been a decade since the phrase “colony collapse disorder” was first coined to describe the unprecedented massive decline of honeybees across the nation.

Today, bees, butterflies, birds, and bats are all at risk from the use of toxic pesticides. When pollinators are at risk, our food supply is at risk. We can’t wait to act. That’s why we've worked together to launch the Keep the Hives Alive Tour, uniting the beekeeping community with farmers, scientists, NGOs, and citizens.

The EPA has the power to eliminate the pesticides that threaten pollinators. But they need to hear from supporters like you.

A single bee can pollinate up to 5,000 flowers in just one day.

Will you help save bees with a simple action? Be a pollinator by recruiting 5 of your friends to support bees!

Click to share on Facebook and Twitter and help us #KeepHivesAlive.

In the last ten years, pollinator populations have severely declined across the United States, threatening both ecosystems and an agricultural economy that depends on pollinators to produce food.

Bees are responsible for one of every three bites of food we eat – we cannot afford to keep losing them.

To spur action, we must raise awareness of this crisis. With our #KeepHivesAlive social campaign, you can help.

All it takes to begin to make a difference is to share this status with five friends.

By sharing this status, you’re helping us to raise awareness about the decline of pollinators.

Together, we can help save pollinators.

Please tell the EPA to act on bee-killing pesticides now!

Beekeepers lost an average of 44 percent of their colonies last year—even more than the year prior. Other research out this year indicates that native bees are declining, too. Why are the bees still dying? Largely thanks to bee-killing neonicotinoid pesticides!

Bees are responsible for every one in three bites of food we eat, so we can’t afford to keep losing them. The EPA has the power to help bring back bee populations by restricting the use of bee-toxic pesticides.

This June, beekeepers, farmers, and people like you are coming together for the “Keep the Hives Alive Tour.” We’re driving around the country with a truck full of dead bees in order to raise awareness about the plight of pollinators and how toxic pesticides contribute to their decline.

The tour will end in Washington, DC on June 22nd with a large demonstration in front of EPA to urge the agency to take action on toxic pesticides and support sustainable agriculture.

We must ramp up pressure on the EPA to act NOW. We’re aiming to reach 2 million petition signatures by June 22nd, but we need your help to reach our goal!


What’s stopping the EPA from taking action? The pesticide industry.

The pesticide industry is doing everything it can to protect its profits. We know the EPA is hearing from Bayer, Syngenta, and other major agro-chemical companies that spend millions of dollars on PR campaigns to shift the blame away from pesticides—despite a wealth of research linking pesticides to bee declines. We need YOUR help to tell EPA to stop dragging its feet and take strong action on bee-killing pesticides.

We need to turn up the heat to make sure the harmful effects from these pesticides are eliminated once and for all. The EPA needs to hear from you—not just Bayer and other companies massively profiting from these toxic pesticides. This June we have the ability to do just that – help us make your voices heard!

Tell the EPA it needs to do its job and protect bees, the planet, and all of us from pollinator-killing pesticides NOW!

Organization: Center for Food Safety
