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Friends of Mill Valley presents 2015 Candidates Forum - Conversations with Dick Spotswood
142 Throckmorton Avenue
Mill Valley, California 94941
7:00 PM PT - 9:30 PM PT
Friends of Mill Valley
To Watch the Video of the Event, CLICK HERE
2015 Candidates Forum
Conversations with Dick Spotswood
Meet our City Council Candidates
Kenneth Brooks * Kirk Knauer * Sashi McEntee * Stephanie Moulton-Peters * Jim Wickham
142 Throckmorton Theatre
Thursday September 24, 2015
Doors Open 7:00 pm
Community Event 7:30 – 9:30
Suggested Donation $10 | Proceeds to Throckmorton Theatre
Duncan and Margie Drechsel, Dennis Fisco and Pam Polite, Susan Kirsch, Dave and Patty LaDuke, Burton Miller and Phebe Gregson, John and Amy Palmer, Bob Silvestri, Liz and Ed Specht, Mitch Wortzman and Jodi Korb, Community Venture Partners, Freeman Park Neighborhood Association, Kite Hill Neighborhood Association, Scott Valley Homeowners Association, Tamalpais Park Neighborhood Association
Friends of Mill Valley works to add the voice of the community to the City’s decision-making process about growth, planning and other issues of significant public interest, and to promote greater public participation in shaping successful solutions.
“Let’s get it right!”
Flyer attached below. Please print out and distribute in your neighborhood
To Watch the Video of the Event, CLICK HERE
Organization: Friends of Mill Valley