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Turning Green
The health and ecosystem implications of herbicides and alternative non-toxic solutions
330 Golden Hind Passage
Corte Madera, California
6:30 PM PT - 9:30 PM PT
WHAT: A panel to discuss science regarding the health and ecosystem implications of herbicides and alternative non-toxic solutions for our homes, businesses, parks, fields, and open space. We'll address challenges facing the county, as well as opportunities.
The Panel includes:
Jeff Ritterman MD -Dr. Ritterman is Vice President of the San Francisco Board of Directors of the Bay Chapter of Physicians for Social Responsibility. He is the retired Chief of Cardiology at Kaiser Richmond and a former Richmond, California, City Councilman.
Bob Streit - Mr. Streit is a Crop, Seed, Technology and Soil Remediation Consultant.
WHEN: Monday, June 8th @ 6:30 pm
6:30 pm Chipotle Dinner (**Must make a reservation)
7:00 pm Panel Discussion
WHERE: The Cove School, 330 Golden Hind Passage (off Paradise Drive) Corte Madera, CA
WHY: To gather as a community to stimulate informed, solutions-oriented discussions with expert guidance.
HOW: Please RSVP:
Please see the attached flyer and spread the news
The event is co-hosted by Turning Green and Moms Advocating Sustainability. We have several compelling speakers on the panel, including Jeff Ritterman MD, who among many other things was instrumental in helping the city of Richmond put a moratorium on pesticide use throughout the city for 12 months until other solutions can be found; and Bob Streit, a soil expert from Iowa who works with the famed Don Huber PhD and is instrumental in the issue of pesticides in soil and implications on plant and human health.
This is an issue that affects ALL of Marin's 34 Open Space Preserves, not just Tiburon and Ring Mountain. Glyphosate (Roundup) is being used from Marin City to Novato and all the way to the beaches of West Marin. This is a global issue at heart.
Of note, food is served at 6:30 and catered by Chipotle, one of the first, if not the first, restaurant chains to begin serving only GMO free foods!
Organization: Turning Green and Moms Advocating Sustainability
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