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North Coast Rivers Alliance
Pesticide Showdown at the Appellate Court with Frank Egger and Stephan Volker
770 Tamalpais Drive Suite 201
Corte Madera, CA, California 94930
7:00 PM PT - 9:00 PM PT
ATTEND THE EVENT - CLICK HERE for more information
When: Friday, June 26 2015
7 to 9 PM
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770 Tamalpais Drive
Suite 201
Corte Madera, CA 94925
Sunrise CenterSunrise Center
Pesticide Showdown at the California Appellate Court
Frank Egger and Stephan Volker
Marin County became the epicenter to stop aerial pesticide spraying in California in 2008 and 2009. And, it’s not over.
Frank Egger and attorney Stephen Volker have been fighting this long, expensive batter since 2007, which ended up in both Federal and State Courts. Elected officials from San Francisco and Monterey Bay Area counties, including Richmond mayor Gayle BcLaughlin and former Fairfax mayor Frank Egger never gave up.
Hear the behind the scene story of this epic battle over pesitcide spraying that will be decided by the 3rd District Appellate Court very soon. Be part of history, help us get to the finish line.
Mr. Volker is a recognized expert in several specialized fields of environmental law including water rights, water pollution, endangered species, forest practices, land use planning, environmental review and agricultural land preservation. He is a frequent panelist and lecturer in environmental law, including presentations at the California Bar Association’s annual Environmental Law Conference in Yosemite and its Continuing Legal Education’s annual conferences on CEQA as well as conferences by Law Seminars International and CLE International on CEQA, Land Use Regulation and Climate Change. Mr. Volker has also served as an Adjunct Professor and visiting lecturer of Environmental Law at San Francisco and Golden Gate Law Schools.
Organization: North Coast Rivers Alliance
Contact: Frank Egger
Contact Phone: 415.456.6356
Contact Email: