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Marin Economic Forum
State of the Economy: Thinking about Economic and Social Issues as 2016 Unfolds
80 East Sir Francis Drake Blvd.
Larkspur, California
5:00 PM PT - 7:00 PM PT
Dr. Robert Eyler to speak at the next Marin Business Forum Event
State of the Economy
Thinking about Economic and Social Issues as 2016 Unfolds
Thursday, January 21, 2016
5 PM to 7 PM
Wood Island
80 East Sir Francis Drake Blvd. in Larkspur
Dr. Robert Eyler, Chief Economist, Marin Economic Forum, will provide a brief overview of the global, national, state and regional economy as 2016 unfolds. Part of the economic forecast is what social and political issues are coming up for the state of California and Marin County in 2016 as we face major elections in June and November.
Topics will consider the effects of raising the minimum wage from $10 (effective Jan 1, 2016 in California) to perhaps $15 in Marin County. Issues of rent control, the beginning of SMART rail, continued concerns over local talent all are brewing. Rob will engage the crowd a bit, in this discussion, as there are no easy answers but we will also be asked to find some answers (or fund some) soon.
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The Marin Economic forum provides information and opportunities to collaborate for improving Marin County’s economic vitality, while seeking to increase social equity and protect the environment.
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