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Strawberry Community Association Public Meeting - Traffic Happenings
118 E Strawberry Drive, 1st floor meeting room
Mill Valley, California 94941
7:30 PM PT
You’re invited to join Strawberry residents at a meeting hosted by the Strawberry Community Association to review current activities that may affect traffic congestion in Strawberry and Southern Marin.
Did you know that…
- The Belvedere Place office behind In ’n’ Out Burger is being considered for a Marin General Hospital Clinic of almost 50,000 square feet, on top of the current growth in medical services in Strawberry?
- Mill Valley has a “traffic task force” that recently floated a busing pilot program idea focused on Strawberry Point Elementary, since more than half of Strawberry Point students come from the other side of 101?
- Metering lights on 101 are being planned for next summer, along with modifications to the 101/Seminary Interchange?
- CalTrans has been considering an additional traffic light at Knoll Drive and Tiburon Blvd?
All this is in addition to the stated plans for the Seminary property, which includes a high school larger than Marin Catholic and an additional 10% growth of Strawberry housing.
Strawberry Community Association is dedicated to making sure that Strawberry residents are informed and represented in the decisions that affect their community. Traffic is one of the most important concerns in the county today, and one that county government is always considering changing. None of these events may happen - or all of them may, and we could find Strawberry as the Southern Marin version of “S. Eliseo Drive” of medical facilities, along with the largest private high school in Marin, expanded intersections and traffic lights, and an E Strawberry Dr. pullout for school buses.
You may approve or disapprove - but you should be informed and make your voice heard!
Join us, and learn and discuss the latest about these and other current events affecting Strawberry. All are welcome regardless of point of view.
Strawberry Community Association is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization.
Organization: Strawberry Community Association