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Marin Coalition
Marin Coalition Presents: "Transportation Issues in Marin: Is a Solution on the Horizon?”
350 Smith Ranch Road
San Rafael, California
11:00 AM PT
Marin Coalition Presents:
"Transportation Issues in Marin: Is a Solution on the Horizon?”
Guest Speakers:
Stephanie Moulton-Peters, TAM Board president and Mill Valley City Councilmember
David Schonbrunn, President of Transportation Solutions Defense and Education Fund
Luncheon and Speaker Program – Wednesday November 4, 2015
Benjamin Franklin penned, "Nothing is certain except for death and taxes." If he were writing today, he would likely add traffic.
The problems of congestion, delays and danger dominate neighborhood concerns and newspaper headlines. The Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM) was created to administer the half-cent sales tax, approved by voters in 2004 as Measure A. The goal of Measure A funds was to improve mobility and reduce local congestion by providing transportation options. In addition, TAM is Marin's Congestion Management Agency. CMA was created in 1990 when voters approved doubling the state gas tax with revenue designated to keep traffic levels manageable. A CMA is required to receive federal transportation funds through MTC. TAM's $38.5M budget is governed by elected officials from each city and town, plus the five members of the Board of Supervisors.
Come hear Stephanie Moulton-Peters give an update on TAM including some of the challenges and successes and David Schonbrunn who will offer another point of view and talk about TransDEF's activities in Marin and ideas for improving transportation.
Stephanie Moulton-Peters was elected to the City Council in November, 2007 and has served two terms, serving as Mayor in 2010 and 2014. She is also Board Chair of the Transportation Authority of Marin, and represents the Marin County Council of Mayors and Councilmembers (MCCMC) on the Boards of the Marin Transit District and SMART. She is recent past President of MCCMC and served on the Executive Board of the League of California Cities, North Bay Division, and Chair of Mill Valley Safe Routes to School Task Force. Prior to being elected to the City Council, Stephanie was President of the West Blithedale Canyon Neighborhood Association. Stephanie is a graduate of Stanford University, with a degree in environmental policy, graduate course work in business, marketing and communications from UC Berkeley.
David Schonbrunn is President of, a Marin-based environmental non-profit that advocates for the regional planning of transportation, land use and air quality. TRANSDEF has spent 21 years in an unsuccessful attempt to reform MTC, having sued it 6 times and shut off its $9 billion in federal funding once. TRANSDEF has challenged the EIRs of the California High-Speed Rail Authority for the past decade and is currently challenging the use of cap and trade funding for HSR. For 25 years, David has championed the return of passenger rail service to Marin and Sonoma. He received his early environmental training at the Marin Conservation League, where he was Secretary to the Board for eight years.
Date: Wednesday November 4, 2015 11:15am -1:15pm.
Check-In and Networking: 11:15 am - Program begins promptly at noon. The presentation will be followed by audience Q&A.
Location: The Club at McInnis Park, 350 Smith Ranch Road, San Rafael.
PRE-PAYMENT required by October 30, 2015 - $26 (members) or $28 (non-members).
Send your check to: Marin Coalition, 369-B 3rd St. #647, San Rafael, CA 94901
Indicate your entrée choice: Salmon, Chicken Picatta, or Mushroom Risotto (veg)
Refunds for cancellations only if sent via email by 10AM Monday November 2, 2015.
We do not accept credit/debit cards at this time.
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Please note: Our events have been selling out early - RSVP’s must be paid in advance!
About Marin Coalition: For over 41 years, the objectives of the Marin Coalition include working to protect and improve the economic, social, and environmental welfare of Marin County, California. We do this through an action-oriented membership of individuals and organizations in labor, business, industry, commerce, agriculture, education, health, and civic improvement. Marin Coalition educates members and the public about important issues confronting Marin residents.
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Organization: The Marin Coalition
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