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Tina Mc

Vote Yes on M for a Safer and Stronger Novato

Go to the Source: Information from Yes on M website:

About Measure M | Yes on Measure M - Protect Novato Services (

Vote Yes on M for a Safer and Stronger Novato

Novato is at a crossroads: Either we fix our longstanding budget deficit or we make deep cuts to essential city services that keep us safe and protect our quality of life.

What kind of city do we want Novato to be? One with good roads, safe and clean parks, rapid 9-1-1 emergency response, and safe neighborhoods? Or one with more potholes, blight, slow emergency response, and more crime? These are not temporary needs, temporary solutions are no longer feasible. Voting Yes on M maintains the essential services that protect our safety and quality of life.

Novato maintains over 300 miles of streets, 696 acres of parks, and other infrastructure. Without Measure M, Novato will not be able to fix potholes, keep public areas safe and clean, protect our neighborhoods, and maintain rapid 9-1-1 emergency response times.

Where do we want our tax dollars to go? Keep them in Novato to address local needs or go elsewhere? Right now, most of the property tax and sales tax we pay doesn’t stay in the city, but 100% of Measure M funding stays in Novato for local needs and can’t be taken away.

Has Novato already made tough decisions? Over 30 staff positions have been eliminated. Investments in our roads and our parks have been drastically reduced. Without Measure M, further cuts will be made that directly impact essential services.

Is Measure M excessive? Even with Measure M, Novato’s sales tax rate will be the same or less than neighboring communities like SanRafael and Petaluma. Essential purchases like groceries and prescription medicines are exempt. Sales tax is paid by anyone shopping in Novato, not just residents.

Voting Yes on M will:

Measure M requires strict fiscal accountability and local control:

Measure M helps Novato access federal, state and regional funding that will otherwise go to improve streets and infrastructure in other communities.

Novato is a special place. Let’s keep it that way.

About Measure M | Yes on Measure M - Protect Novato Services (


Novato Measure M November Election