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Courtesy of 'the Breast Archives'

The Breast Archives: Nine Women Tell Their Stories

Meagan Murphy’s idea is deceptively simple: a documentary about women’s breasts. Yet, what emerges from the Breast Archives is complex, deep.

By interviewing nine women speaking about their breasts, Murphy’s film addresses a multitude of psycho-social issues regarding women and American culture.

The women share their pain, confusion, discoveries, realizations, and healing. Their words are a doorway to issues of beauty, femininity, self-esteem, sexuality, sensuality, feminism, abuse, cultural oppression, and cancer.

The film is relevant to women, of course, yet the more teenage and adult males who see the the Breast Archives, the greater its social impact. Yours truly would have found more compassion and empathy had I seen this movie as a teenager.

Murphy’s personal story in making the film is also moving. Here is the link to her story.






breast, breasts, documentary, Meagan Murphy, women, culture, american