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Marin Coalition
Marin Water’s Roadmap to Water Supply Resiliency
11:30 AM PT - 1:00 PM PT
Marin Water provides on-demand water service for 191,000 community members in central and southern Marin County. Severe conditions brought on by drought over the past several years have intensified Marin Water’s focus on strengthening the reliability of its water supply.
Starting in February 2022, the District initiated a Strategic Water Supply Assessment to develop a plan to help drought-proof its supply. The Assessment evaluated the District’s current baseline water supply in the context of climate-change-driven droughts and the impact of potential water management alternatives that could improve the District’s long-term water supply resiliency. This yearlong effort helped the District prioritize which options to pursue as part of a new Roadmap that includes both near- and long- term actions that will increase water supply availability for the Marin community.
Hear from Marin Water representatives about what is in the roadmap, the timeline for getting its various components underway, and the current proposed rate increase that will help fund the first four years of its implementation.
This event will be presented in a ZOOM webinar format and is free of charge.
Cost: Our webinars are free to all attendees, but if you would like to support our programs, please go to the Donate page to help defray our costs. Thank you.
If you are unfamiliar with participating in Zoom Webinars and are looking for some helpful information, go to our Zoom Webinar Instruction page.
For more information and to register for this webinar, go to the Marin Coalition website page at:
Organization: Marin Coalition
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