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CALE hosts Attorney General Rob Bonta
California 94941
4:00 PM PT - 5:00 PM PT
CALE Guest: Attorney General Rob Bonta
Rob Bonta is the 34th Attorney General of the State of California.
In the State Assembly, Attorney General Bonta enacted nation-leading reforms to inject more justice and fairness into government and institutions. As the People's Attorney, he sees seeking accountability from those who abuse their power and harm others as one of the most important functions of the job. In elected office, he has taken on powerful interests — pursuing corporate accountability, standing up for workers, punishing big polluters, and fighting racial injustice.
Attorney General Bonta's passion for justice and fairness was instilled in him by his parents. It's why he decided to become a lawyer — to help right historic wrongs and fight for people who have been harmed.
Prior to serving in the Assembly, Attorney General Bonta worked as a Deputy City Attorney for the City and County of San Francisco.
Partial Topic Points:
Please explain the rationale for DOJ’s Housing Strike Force and its role in holding cities and counties accountable for the 6th-cycle RHNA housing targets when these targets are grossly overstated and unrealistic.
HCD's 2022 Statewide Housing Plan calls for the production of 2.5 million housing units in the eight-year 6th RNHA cycle. One million of these housing units are required to be deeply affordable. These targets require an average of 312,500 housing units to be built annually for eight years, a goal that is impossible to meet. The subsidies required to build one million affordable units are conservatively estimated to be $650 billion. These subsidies do not exist.
In his report 2021-125, Acting State Auditor Michael S. Tilden stated, “HCD does not ensure that its needs assessments are accurate and adequately supported.” CALE agrees that the 6th cycle Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) contains serious flaws that have vastly inflated the state’s actual housing requirements.
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