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Pacific Empire Chorus: Sip and Sing Event
4 Montego Key
Novaeo, California
7:00 PM PT - 10:00 PM PT
Petaluma’s Pacific Empire Chorus came home with First Place medals from the annual Sweet Adelines International competition in Reno last month.
To celebrate and to invite others to join the all-women, a cappella chorus on its journey to the next level international contest, PEC is holding a SIP & SING event on Wednesday, June 19 from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. at the Bel Marin Keys Yacht Club. 4 MONTEGO KEY, NOVATO, CA 94949
All women, 16 and older, are invited to share the adventure and learn to sing a cappella harmony. There will be local wines to sip and other refreshments provided.
Register now for $10.00 to get music and audio in advance for the singing.
For more information and to register, visit
Under the direction of Patty Pennycook, the chorus has worked hard this year to ready to compete with the other groups from this large region, which covers most of California up to Canada, and includes Hawaii and part of Nevada.
AT INTERNATIONAL the singers are judged by eight certified judges, two in each of four categories: music, sound, expression and showmanship.
Since PEC won with a very high overall score, the chorus has been invited to participate in next year’s prestigious international competition being held in Louisville, Kentucky, which happens to be the director’s home town. PEC is looking forward to this exciting opportunity, and hopes to bring many new members along for the ride.
Organization: Sip & Sing