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Come hear CO$T President Mimi Willard - Tues 6/25 7PM. Free Event
350 Smith Ranch Road
San Rafael, California 94941
7:00 PM PT
Mimi Willard, Founder and President of the Coalition of Sensible Taxpayers, addresses the Marin Rental Property Association Tuesday June 25, 7PM, at McInnes Park Restaurant (350 Smith Ranch Road, San Rafael). CO$T encourages its supporters and the public to attend this free event. Learn about recent and coming developments affecting Marin taxpayer-voters -- and how to help. There will be ample Q&A.
Mimi will discuss CO$T's legal challenge to Marin Municipal Water District's huge, new meter-size based fee and rate increase, which is effective July 1. CO$T contends MMWD’s fee/rate is excessive, unfairly apportioned, and violates CA law in several regards.
Other hot topics include:
- Early insights into a new county-wide fire protection tax that will be on the 2020 ballot. It may be a progressive parcel tax (large building owners pay more). Other local ballot measures may compete for taxpayer dollars and votes, e.g., sales taxes for County Open Space and SMART.
- A proactive collaboration between San Anselmo and CO$T that's a model for future tax measures.
- Possible March 2020 statewide ballot initiatives lowering the threshold for passing school parcel tax measures and most bond measures from 2/3 to 55% of votes cast
- Split roll tax initiative qualified for Nov 2020 ballot: It would split the tax rolls so that commercial properties are no longer protected by prop 13 and will be regularly reassessed at market value.
- CO$T is seeking leaders, volunteers, community organizers, donors and candidates for public office. Find out how you might help.
Join us on Tuesday. It's free. There's room for all comers!
Please DONATE at
Support our Activities Benefiting Marin's Taxpayer-Voters
Organization: Marin Rental Property Association