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Board Considering $300 million Facilities Master Plan & Bond Measure for High Schools
Doherty Drive
Larkspur, California
6:00 PM PT
The Tamalpais Union High School District (TUHSD) will be deciding soon whether to accept a $300 million Facilities Master Plan (FMP) for major capital projects -- mainly at Tam, Redwood and Drake High Schools.
If the FMP is approved, the board will then consider pursuing a $300 million bond offering (estimated to cost each property owner $20/$100,000 assessed valuation annually for 30-40 years). Now is the time to find out what projects are being proposed and to let the board know what you think.
Learn about the Facilities Master Plan and the projects it entails:
- Complete Draft FMP here: For financial summary see pages 58-9 and 71
- FMP Powerpoint presentation (including enrollment forecasts on page 50 showing a near-term enrollment uptick, then returning to current levels) .
Attend upcoming board meetings and speak during public comment:
Tuesday June 13
Agenda includes latest presentation and discussion of the revised FMP (16F agenda item) followed by a discussion of the bond process and contracting of a consultant to conduct polling (16H on the agenda). Read also Mimi Willard's letter to the board about the FMP and bond (agenda item 14, "Board Communications.").
Tuesday July 17 - Possible vote on whether to approve/accept the FMP
Time: All meetings start at 6:00 PM
Location: Kreps Conference Room (Redwood HS), Doherty Dr., Larkspur
Email TUHSD directors with your thoughts about FMP and bond financing:
Laura Anderson, President:
Leslie Lundgren, Clerk:
Barbara Owens, Director:
Michael Futterman, Director:
Chuck Ford, Director: