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Marin County to present its Vegetation Management for public comment

Marin County Civic Center - Board of Supervisors
3501 Civic Center Drive, Suite 330
San Rafael, California
March 16, 2017
3:00 PM PT

The Marin County Parks and Open Space District has issued the following press release notifying the public of the release of its Vegetation Management Plan

Marin County Parks is assembling a list of vegetation management and biodiversity projects for its 34 open space preserves and inviting the public to contribute ideas.

The goal is to control invasive vegetation before weeds irreversibly alter Marin’s landscape and put people – including our firefighters – in danger during a wild land blaze.

With more than 16,000 pristine acres of protected natural resources, Marin County Parks (and specifically the Marin County Open Space District) is charged with promoting environmental stewardship and protecting public safety. In 2015, the Open Space District created its first Vegetation and Biodiversity Management Plan (VBMP) that was accepted by the Open Space Board of Directors as a decision–making framework that provides a science-based approach to vegetation management efforts.

After initial feedback from the community, the annual workplan is being brought before the Marin County Parks and Open Space Commission at 3 p.m. March 16, for further input and recommendation to the Open Space Board of Directors.

Projects on the draft list range from protecting rare species to community wildfire protection. There are more than 100 rare species in the preserves, including at least eight found in Marin and nowhere else in the world. From government agencies to nonprofit partners to grassroots efforts, Marin is renowned for its dedication to preserve open spaces for habitat protection and recreation. An estimated 35,000 residents live adjacent to County wildlands.

Workplan projects and goals: boosting biodiversity, enhancing fire protection, collaborating with partners, and assuring transparency on a topic: herbicide use.

The Parks and Open Space Commission meets in the Board chamber (Suite 330) of the Marin County Civic Center, at 3501 Civic Center Drive in San Rafael. The recommended work plan resulting from the March 16 session will be described in an informational presentation to the Open Space Board on March 21 and incorporated into the Open Space budget which is to be approved by the Open Space Board in June.

Written feedback on workplan priorities may be emailed to Learn more about the Vegetation and Biodiversity Management Plan on the Marin County Parks webpage.

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