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County of Marin
Response to the Grand Jury Report on Labor Negotiation Transparency at BOS tomorrow
10:00 AM PT
The Marin County Board of Supervisors will respond to the Grand Jury Report on “The Need for Labor Negotiation Transparency” at tomorrow’s meeting. This will be Item #8 on the agenda. Links to the Staff Report and draft response to the Grand Jury report are below:
Request from the County Administrator for Board concurrence and adoption of response to 2014-2015 Grand Jury Report: "The Need for Labor Negotiation Transparency" (June 1, 2015).
Recommended actions: Concur in and thereby adopt response and direct the President to submit the response to the Presiding Judge.
Citizens for Sustainable Pension Plans supports greater transparency in labor negotiations and pension reform.
Draft Response to Grand Jury Report
I hope you are able to attend and add your voices.