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RVSD 7/15 7PM Meeting Re: Rate Hike & Larkspur Landing Site
250 Doherty Drive
Larkspur, California
7:00 PM PT - 9:00 PM PT
Attend the RVSD board meeting to speak up against future development at RVSD’s Larkspur Landing property and the proposed 7.4% 2016 rate hike (part of a 5 year program to raise rates nearly 50%).
Time & Place: July 15, 7PM. Community Room at Central Marin Police Authority, 250 Doherty Drive, Larkspur
Why to attend?
Voice your opposition to intensive development at RVSD’s Larkspur Landing property and support for community-appropriate alternatives.
At the 7/15 meeting, the RVSD board will be discussing Remediation of PCBs (agenda item 11) on their property at Larkspur Landing, a prerequisite to disposition of or alternative use of the site. What happens to RVSD’s Larkspur Landing site is important to our shared future. Located near the County’s busiest commuter intersection (Sir Francis Drake Boulevard and Highway 101), this property is a highly coveted site for high density housing and commercial development. Such intensive development would further snarl traffic.
Some RVSD board members favor sale of the property to the highest bidder. The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) recently predicted that the site will be “retrofit” for Transit-Oriented Development (i.e., similar to the defeated Larkspur Landing Station Area plan).
Community Venture Partners is proposing an innovative public-private partnership alternative that provides a long-term revenue stream to RVSD and a broad range of community benefits. The CVP proposal includes a solar/wind/methane powered aquaponics organic farming operation; a public education and jobs training facility; affordable senior housing; and continued use by RVSD for onsite offices, pumping stations and vehicle storage.
While RVSD is correct to consider removal of toxic PCBs found on the site, such action is also a prelude to an extremely important decision about what will ultimately be done with the RVSD site. Speak up. Support the CVP proposal. Let the board know what YOU want to happen at Larkspur Landing. The impacts of high density development would affect everyone in the community.
Voice your opposition to RVSD’s aggressive rate hikes. RVSD plans to raise rates 7.4% in 2016, and nearly 50% over the five years 2015-19. Agenda item 9 at the 7/15 RVSD board meeting is a public hearing and vote to approve the proposed 2016 rates. The proposed rate increase is unjustifiable and will not improve operations. The 2016 increase funds a bloated budget, including staff’s proposed 6.7% increase in compensation and benefits. Speak up and remind RVSD board of its fiduciary responsibility to represent ratepayers. To learn more about RVSD’s budget and proposed rates, read Mimi Willard’s blog post:
Late breaking news: On July 13, RVSD circulated a new staff report on its Remediation proposal. The latest report advocates spending $1-2 million over 2 years in order to make the property ready for "unrestricted land use." What would clearing the path to unrestricted land use at the RVSD Larkspur Landing site mean for Marin?