The following letter was sent to Marin County Supervisors Sears, Rodoni, Arnold, Connelly, and Rice.
I note your upcoming June 4th Board of Supervisors meeting with the Draft Minutes’ reference to continued and expanded expenses of “geomorphic studies” for Corte Madera Creek and the earthen channel at College of Marin area.
The recent AB Zone 9 meeting had a major Presentation devoted to this subject.
FYI, note that these studies have been on-going for over 20 years. Why are we continuing to pay for and listen to this information as though it were either new or meaningful?
Looks like sunk assets, time to move on!
These Reports can be found at:
Please, reconsider the continuing expenditure on studies that lead to no tangible results. FZ #19 receives a major portion of fees and County funds.
To what end?
Stetson Engineers. 2000.
Geomorphic Assessment of the Corte Madera Creek Watershed, Marin County, California.
for the Marin County Flood Control District and Friends of Corte Madera
Creek Watershed by Stetson Engineers (Matt Smeltzer and James Reilly)
with David Dawdy, San Rafael, California. December 31, 2000.
GeomorphES-copy (56 KB)
Geomorph (3.7 MB)
GeomorphAppendices (4 MB)
Stetson Engineers, Fluvial Geomorphology Consulting, and Friends of Corte Madera Creek Watershed. 2006.
A Framework for Developing Effective Management Solutions to Flooding in the Ross Valley Using Hydraulic Modeling
San Rafael, California, April 2006. 30 pp and 1 plate.
Framework (900 KB)