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Marin Civil Grand Jury Report on Cyber Security Released
The 2023-2024 Marin County Civil Grand Jury has just released a new report, “Cyber Preparedness: Are We There Yet?”(PDF is attached, below)
The Report addresses the degree to which government entities in Marin are ready for a cyber-attack. While the Grand Jury concludes that there is a high degree of preparedness among these entities, the report sets forth various recommendations to further enhance cyber security.
One of the principal recommendations is the formation of a joint powers authority to coordinate cyber preparedness among the cities, towns and special districts with the Marin Department of Information Services and Technology taking the lead role.
The report is available on the Marin County Civil Grand Jury website:
The list of agencies and elected officials required to respond can be found at the end of the report.
Contact me at should you have any questions about this report.