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Take Action on Unrealistic Housing Mandates
“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it.Go out and get busy.
~ Dale Carnegie, American businessman and inspirational leader
If you’re concerned about the state’s over-zealous policies that put local decision-making about land use, zoning, and housing into the hands of the building industry and outside moneyed interests, Carnegie’s advice is for you. Don’t sit home and brood. Don’t throw up your hands to say, “there’s nothing we can do about it.” Get busy!
That was the theme of the February 10th Catalysts Zoom Call about Marin and California’s unrealistic growth mandates. Four speakers--Sharon Rushton, president of Sustainable TamAlmonte, Stephen Nestel, resident of Marinwood/Lucas Valley, Frank Egger, former mayor of Fairfax, and I described the ridiculous and infeasible Regional Housing Need Allocations.
Every speaker moved beyond a description of the inflated numbers to recommended actions. You can view the 90-minute Zoom meeting by going to the link below.
Following Carnegie’s lead, take one of more of these actions to demonstrate stewardship for your neighborhood, community, and our state.
Six Actions to Address Unrealistic Growth Mandates
Act NOW to protect local community values, not outsider investor profits
- EMAIL or CALL Assembly member Marc Levine and Senator Mike McGuire. Request they ask the State Audit Committee to audit HCD (Housing & Community Development) re: RHNA methodology and numbers. (916-319-2010) (916-651-4002)
- SIGN the Our Neighborhood Voices state ballot initiative.For a schedule of signature gathering dates, contact Sharon Rushton at
- PETITION. Volunteer to create and circulate an online petition.
- INSIST the Board of Supervisors ( or your City Council provide bold leadership that encourages action, including legal options, restricting excess “buffer” units to 15% or less, and forming collaborative resistance to the transfer of power from local jurisdictions to global investors.
- GET INVOLVED, DONATE.Participate in the work of your local neighborhood or homeowner group or join the weekly Catalysts Call on Mondays, 5-6pm. If you don’t have time, donate money. Support your neighborhood group, The Marin Post, or Catalysts for Local Control.
- STAY INFORMED. Learn more by checking out these links or reading anything about housing in The Marin Post.
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