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Catalysts in CA Times: State Leaders Oppose SB 9 and SB10
A 28-minute interview
Episode #6: Opposition to SB 9, SB 10, and Loss of Local Control
Elected and community leaders around the state agree that SB 9 and SB 10 should be defeated when they come to the Assembly after the Summer Recess, which ends August 17.
The 6th episode of Catalysts in California Times pulls key points from elected officials and community leaders. Individually and collectively they make the point: These bills fail to meet the needs for affordability, increase the cost of housing, ignore water, fire and environmental safety, and take away local control.
Heidi Feldstein, Candidate for Los Angeles City Attorney
Mike Griffiths, California Cities for Local Control, Torrance City Council
John Heath, United Homeowners’ Association, President, Los Angeles
Peggy Huang, Yorba Linda Mayor
Richard Johnson, San Francisco Water Dept (Rtr)
Susan Kirsch, Catalysts for Local Control
Lydia Kou, Palo Alto City Council
Guy Meyer, Host, Catalysts in California Times
Many legislators believe, “We have to do something!“ But their ‘yes’ vote on these bills that do the wrong thing, is worse than no vote at all.
Call (415-533-1445) or email ( Marin Assembly member Marc Levine or your Assembly representative. Urge your rep to vote to represent the best interests of voting constituents, not the interests of government bureaucrats, housing developers, hedge fund managers, and real estate speculators.