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Housing Town Hall: SB9, SB10
Sacramento legislators are preparing to make sausage out of our neighborhoods. They’re about to empower developers and real estate speculators to zone our communities to fit their density dreams and sky-high profit-motives while trampling the vision, dreams, and financial and social aspirations of residents of all ethnicities.
If SB-9 and SB-10 pass and residential zoning restrictions are erased, block-by-block density will be allowed to grow from one residential unit per single-family parcel to eight units per parcel. Beautiful tree canopies that cool the air and reduce carbon will be removed. Ground surfaces that absorb water will be covered. Parking will be impossible. Backyards and boulevards will be eliminated.
The space between units will be reduced to four feet, less than the distance from the fingertips of your outstretched arms. The developer will not be required to pay for expanded sewer pipes or electrical lines. No one talks about where the water will come from.
And one more thing: there’s no requirement for affordable housing.
To learn more, read the companion piece on the Marin Post by Bob Silvestri or watch the video from the Marin Town Hall (March 24, 2021). If you’re pressed for time, use these approximate time stamps to guide your through the 90-minute event.
00:01 Overview - Susan Kirsch
04:35 Intro to Dennis Redoni, President, Marin County Board of Supervisors
06:15 Welcome - Dennis Redoni
09:10 The Misleading Language of Housing Legislation – Susan Kirsch
14:15 Intro to Maria & Jeff Kalban, UnitedNeighbors.Net
Maria Kalban, founder United Neighbors, Board member and chair of the Legislative Committee, Sherman Oaks Homeowners Association. Jeff Kalban, architect, chair of the Planning and Land Use Committee, Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council
15:20 Presentation on SB-9 (Aitkins) and SB-10 (Wiener)
19:45 The litmus test of a bill’s worthiness: Does it (1) provide affordable housing, 2) protect the environment, and 3) address infrastructure expansion and maintenance?SB-9 and SB-20 fail on each count.
26:10 Loss of local control
45:00 Alternatives to destroying single-family neighborhoods
51:5 Messages from Local and State Leaders – 7-Minute Video
1:00:00 Q&A
1:25:00 Wrap-Up. Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, organized citizens can change the world; indeed it’s the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead, Anthropologist
Marin Town Hall Tidbits:
- Planned and implemented in less than a month
- Secured 20 Endorser groups, including two statewide groups: California Cities for Local Control ( and the California Alliance of Local Electeds (
- Sent notice to 101 Bay Area Cities and nine counties and beyond
- Media mention: Letter to the Editor from Susan Kirsch published in the Marin Independent Journal, March 24, 2021; notice in The Marin Post, March 20, 2021
- Over 200 people registered and 142 participated
- Feedback: “It was wonderful! You Hit it Out of the Park! Spectacular!”
- THANKS to an outstanding team: Ray Lorber, Coordinator; Maurice Green, Video Production/Zayda Productions; David Wheatly, music; Mike Cobb Creative, graphic design
- And the following Endorsers. Endorsers agree with the importance of public education, not necessarily the point of view of the organizers, presenters or other speakers.