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Preserve the Redwood Creek watershed of Muir Woods National Monument
The mission of the Watershed Alliance of Marin a non-profit,, is to protect wildlife, habitat, wildlife corridors, riparian areas and creeks.
Throughout Marin County, the crown jewel of public lands for the bay area, our greenbelt and wildlife habitat that abuts open space, wilderness and state parks is being exploited and eroded by development. An internationally recognized biodiversity hotspot Redwood Creek watershed of Muir Woods National Monument, needs to be protected and you can help make a difference.
Founded in 2013, Watershed Alliance of Marin (WAM) is a network of advocacy, communities, education and
land conservation organizations working to protect and restore Marin
County’s watersheds and the native wildlife nourished by our natural
PLEASE DONATE to our cause and save endangered Northern spotted owls, bats, coho salmon, ring tailed cats and many more species on the brink.