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Kirk Knauer
Trees & Pizza VIDEO & Take Action
See what's at stake. Watch this under-two-minute video. Forward to others.
We're into the home stretch. Time for a final push from everybody who wants to preserve trees right here in our own backyard - and thereby do our part to reduce global warming and honor the intentions of EPA-Environmental Protection Act, which is under serious attack. Instead of couch-potato criticism about cutting the Amazon Rain Forests, take action to preserve healthy trees right here in Mill Valley.
The Mill Valley Chamber of Commerce says we need to put business first, ahead of - or at the expense of - preserving small-town character. They say the trees should come down so the city shows a business-friendly demeanor to new business.
But the coronavirus has changed everything. Healthy trees incorporated into a landscape and business plan are a winning combination.
SAVE THE TREES! Take these two steps:
By Tuesday, April 28, send your email comment letter to the City Council for the May 4th meeting.
Subject line: SAVE THE TREES
To track our progress, please send a blind cc to
THEN: By Friday, April 31, adapt your letter (300 word limit) and email it to the Marin IJ for Readers' Forum:
Include your name, address, and daytime phone. Sometimes they call for verification before printing