The Marin Post

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The Privilege of the Public Sector and Pensions

When I read this editorial, the first thing that came to my mind was that I wish it had been written by the Marin IJ Editorial board.

Putting that fantasy aside, I was impressed with the solid approach in contrasting public versus private sector employment and pension opportunities. We are all aware of the pension side of that equation, but the employment side is a new factor I had not considered.


Thinking about it, however, I recall many occasions when there has been an "upper echelon" opening at the Marin County government level and how our County almost invariably searches far afield to find a "suitable" replacement. Sometimes the net is cast as far away as Chicago, as in the case of the current head of the Marin Housing Authority, which was by all accounts a questionable choice.

It makes one wonder if there is a lack of local talent to fill some of these positions, perhaps from the general public and not restricted to current public employees.

Given that Marin County abounds with highly educated and talented people, this reinforces the editorial's suggestion that even getting a 'call back' is unlikely if you are not currently a public employee.

Sort of like an exclusive country club.