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Livable California

Video from Rohnert Park CC meeting on the CASA Housing Compact

Livable CA is working diligently towards a goal of getting the ABAG (Association of Bay Area Governments) to vote to OPPOSE the staff recommendation to "authorize the President to sign the CASA Compact." It comes up for a vote on Thursday, Jan. 17.

The Staff recommendation is more a ceremonial action than relevant. MTC ED Steve Heminger has said the Compact is moving forward in Sacramento no matter what! So our effort is to get media coverage of the growing outrage of the process and the proposal.

We're engaged in a 3-part strategy that includes 1) lobbying the 35 Board members with a goal of getting a majority vote to oppose; 2) promoting attendance at the 1/17 event; and 3) planning a press conference.

Below are links to three short must-see clips from the Jan. 8 Rohnert Park (Sonoma County) City Council meeting where they hear about the CASA Compact for the first time. The videos show the extent of the attempt to keep elected officials from small and medium cities in the dark about CASA and the outrage they experience when they learn about it.

The link to the full meeting is also available.

Please circulate far and wide with the message: The videos show the MTC/CASA culture of secrecy and manipulation which will be used in Sacramento to urge passage of 2019 housing legislation introduced under the CASA umbrella.

  1. The CASA Compact is a joke -

Jake MacKenzie, (MTC

Board Chair, CASA Steering Committee member, ABAG Executive Board member, and Rohnert Park City Councilmember, is taken to task for failure to share info about CASA with his own council. The Vice Mayor chastises MacKenzie saying, "Somebody has lost their way.. .Jake, we have had you tell us every night about five committees you're involved in. Not once did you ever say, 'I want your input. Not once was that done! I think maybe you've been on this committee way too long and it's time for change."

2. Why didn't you report to us?"

Council member: "We didn't hear about CASA until it was voted on."

MacKenzie: "That's fine. We've been taken to task." In other words, "too bad. There's nothing you can do about it now."

3. Absolutely NO.

"I'm just absolutely opposed to this whole thing. Very little value in it. To impose all these things on everyone is just not reasonable. Local control is totally lost. That's just not appropriate.

Full presentation and comments