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5G Microwave Towers threaten our Health, Safety and Wellbeing
I am posting a copy of the letter I sent to the Fairfax City Council regarding the proposed 5G Microwave Cell Towers planned for our town, county, state and entire country.
Dear Council Members:
I am writing to you with dire concern for the implementation of "small cell" or Close Proximity Microwave Radiation Antenna - Wireless Telecommunications Facilities (CPMRA-WTFs), aka Small Cells
My Requests:
I understand that there is speeded up process coming from the Tech Companies that leaves you little time to properly evaluate the proposed 5G Microwave towers.
Please schedule an emergency meeting next week so that an emergency measure can be adopted!
I implore you to pass emergency measures to pause this process, and ultimately, when you have had time to review and consider all of the consequences and alternatives, to do everything you can in your power to ban this 5G technology entirely in our town, and unify with the other towns and cities to create a safe zone in Marin County, and close all loopholes so that we can keep our county safe for generations to come.
I implore you to consider thoroughly our emergency communication resources, especially the cellphone dead zones, and implement a municipal utility of fiber optic networks. The 5G Microwave towers are not designed for the purpose of providing emergency communications.
I implore you to consider that as "The Greenest Town in America", we are in a special position to influence the outcomes for millions of people around the country and perhaps the globe. More eyes are on us than we can count, and as the Fairfax City Council, you have immense power resting on your shoulders.
I implore you to look deeply into the federal law that supposedly bans us from regulating what comes into our town, and see how we are not prohibited from making our own choices and take effective action immediately.
I implore you to create a special committee to review and evaluate thoroughly the issue of 5G microwave towers vs Fairfax Fiberoptic Municipal Utility.
5G is about to be sprung on our Town. Time is of essence and we are just about out of time. Please stand up for us and protect our health, safety and welfare now.
Call a Special Meeting of the Fairfax Town Council next week (24 hour notice is necessary) and pass an urgency ordinance (will need a 4/5ths vote to adopt) similar to the same ordinance as the Mill Valley City Council approved last week.
Who is Qualified to make this decision for our town?
The issue of 5G is of a magnitude far greater than regular town business, cafe's expanding on city sidewalks, or even smart meters. This technology is unprecedented and falls far beyond the scope of Smart meters or the like because in essence, it is far more dangerous and nobody will be able to opt out, or turn off their router at night. People will be subjected to this technology 24/7, our rights to choice with regards to our health and the pursuit of happiness will gone.
As a Council Member You CAN Regulate the operations of Cell Towers in our town:
Please see this video of a presentation at the Mill Valley City Council meeting on 9/6/18, at the 5:50 mark where the 1996 legislation is explained:
Emergency Communications and Cell Phone Dead Zones
It seems like the biggest crack where the arguments against 5G lost tread at the Fairfax City Council Meeting on September 5th was in regard to fire and emergency safety and the cellphone dead zones such as Canon Village.
Many people are confusing the issue of emergency preparedness and cellphone dead zones with the coincidental arrival of the possibility of 5G installation.
The issues of Emergency Preparedness and Cell phone dead zones are separate issues that have distinct and separate solutions. The 5G Microwave towers are not designed for the purpose of providing emergency communications.
I ask you to watch this video segment where Frank Leahy spoke at the Mill Valley Town Council Meeting regarding fiber optic networks vs 5G networks for ensuring emergency communications.
He points out that just as with the existing networks, companies will not ensure coverage to areas with low density population, so the dead zone issue will not be fixed by 5G.
And nobody mentioned that if one of the cell phone towers burned, the whole town would be a dead zone, and if a fire broke out in a dead zone, all of those 5G boxes would burn and be useless in an emergency anyway, the way it was demonstrated in the Santa Rosa Fire.
I think one of the core ways that these things get confused is the fact that most people do not even understand the technology itself, whether of their own cell phone or the distinctions between cell signal, wifi signal, and their own needs and uses.
Most people are just blasting themselves with wifi in their homes without any understanding of the technology, and this ignorance is really dangerous. Most people do not even understand that 2.4gz and 5gz is coming out of their wifi routers, and the 5gz is already overkill for most people's needs. Signals of that magnitude can certainly be distributed across a stable fiberoptic network.
I already cannot go to some people's houses, or enjoy coffee shops and other public spaces because of wifi signals that are compounded in neighborhoods. I and other people, some of whom you have heard from, many more who are silent, have ALREADY lost their right to choice with regard to neighbor's signals, or signals in public and commercial spaces.
I personally am daisy chained with my immediate neighbors on ethernet. 5 entire Businesses are using one Comcast connection and there is no limit to the amount of data available to us. Ethernet, or wired connections are safer, faster and more secure than wifi, as you probably already know.
I also saw lack of knowledge around the possibility of fiberoptic. People are not aware that they can hook up any router they want to the end of the fiberoptic cable and blast themselves and their entire neighborhood with wifi if they want. They can also hook up landline telephones to the fiberoptic, which is the essential key. Turning the fiber optic network into a public utility takes the issue out of the hands of ATT and others who deny landline service, an act that endangers our safety and puts people at risk.
The 5G microwave technology is geared towards machines such as driverless cars and drones. Can you really imagine Fairfax with constant drones circulating overhead and driverless cars endlessly cruising up and down Scenic Road?
We are facing a world and a town inundated by machines that would seriously reduce the beauty and desirability of our town. Imagine if our town preserved it's current beauty and simplicity, clear skies, abundant nature, beautiful trails? You can make that happen.
This is not even to mention the incredibly ugly boxes on all the light poles or telephone poles.
Our quality and way of life are what's at stake here. I already know that if this technology arrives, I will be placed in the status of Environmental Refugee, and I will have to leave this town and and have no idea where I will go. Even a small displacement of Environmental Refugees would have serious economic and social ramifications for our country's rural unwired areas.
The Real Cost:
Before people write off Fiber optic as expensive, we should demand a full cost disclosure from the 5G companies that includes a realistic estimate of the amount of electricity needed to run those Microwave boxes, and who will pay for that?? The city? The consumers??? Is this in line with our goals of climate change and reduction of energy usage?
Fiber optics have been found to be LESS costly in the longterm, therefore a wise investment (see Mill Valley minutes from 9/6)
And since the boxes will be on publicly owned poles, who will pay for the maintenance of the boxes and the poles??? The town??? The consumers???
What is the real bottom line cost of this infrastructure ???
And who is liable for the fires these boxes will cause, the town?? You are accountable to the citizens. These details should be clearly stated in writing before any further planning. Will homeowner's insurance cover fires caused by these boxes, and will this risk raise the cost of homeowners insurance or even limit insurability? That is already being discussed by Mill Valley. We need to take all of this into consideration here.
And who is going to assess and monitor these boxes for electrical shorts and violations of codes??? The town???
Keep in mind the delayed response and wait times when existing networks go down. Is this actually safe for the town to use this network as the emergency network??? The 5G Microwave towers are not designed for the purpose of providing emergency communications.
Is it Legal?
for a private company to take up business in public space and profit? Much like the arguments against the Coffee Roasters expanding onto their adjacent public sidewalk, do we allow outside enterprises to commandeer space on every available Light and Telephone pole in town to profit while putting the citizens in the way of harm, and at the very least, losing the value of the special esthetic we hold so dear in Fairfax?
I do hope the Town Council will deeply consider all of these issues and the key details regarding the 5G Microwave Technology. I have not even gone into the medical ramifications and the consequences of toxic technology on our townspeople. I leave that to others whom I am sure have sent you volumes of studies to back up the truth that 5G Microwave Technology is not safe for any humans and does not belong anywhere, including our town.
Mayor and Council Members, I urge you to stand strong and true to the people of Fairfax, to the beauty and way of life that makes our town the Gem of Marin county, and a Gem among Gems in California and the entire country!
Lea Wildflower
What you can do:
Time is of the essence because of a deadline of September 26th. If we don’t adopt emergency measures by that date, it will be very difficult to do so due to federal regulations.
Mill Valley has already adopted such emergency legislature, and we are hoping to get Fairfax to do the same, but the City Council members are not convinced yet.
We are asking people to show up in numbers at the planning commission meeting:
September 20:
Planning Commission Meeting, 7pm
Where: Women's Club, 46 Park Road at the Women’s Club
Here are the top 3 actions you can take to prevent this unprecedented microwave radiation in our town:
1. Email your opinions to our Town Council Members including the following request:
Dear Fairfax town council members,
5G is about to be sprung on our Town. Time is of essence and we are just about out of time. Please stand up for us and protect our health, safety and welfare now.
Call a Special Meeting of the Fairfax Town Council next week (24 hour notice is necessary) and pass an urgency ordinance (will need a 4/5ths vote to adopt) similar to the same ordinance as the Mill Valley City Council approved last week.
Thank you, _____ _______.
Council Members:
Mayor Peter
Vice Mayor Barbara Coler
2. Show up at the Town Planning Commission Meeting on September 20th.
Planning Commission Meeting, 7pm
Where: Women's Club, 46 Park Road at the Women’s Club
Bring a sign! Let them know you oppose 5G Microwave towers in our Town.
3. Let other's know. Please forward this information to your friends and colleagues.