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Housing Crisis Near the Bottom of California Voter's Issues List

According to Scott Wiener the housing crisis has reached such proportions that aggressive action must be taken with Senate Bill 827 proposing over-ruling local zoning. Bills passed in September gave developers the ability to bypass all local and environmental review.

Seemingly there is no crisis greater than the housing crisis, and all Californians must sacrifice quality of life to accommodate rapid housing growth near transit regardless that this will:

- substantially increase traffic congestion, when are roads are already beyond capacity
- increase droughts
- create parking overflow issues
- threaten the environment
- impose large scale development on small scale towns
- turn otherwise suburban cities into urban cities

A Survey of California Voters Tells a Different Story

Wiener's obsession, which is sweeping along state Democratic politicians including senate leader Kevin DeLeon, with housing flies in the face of voter's actual concerns.

Between January 21 and 30, 2018 the Public Policy Institute of California polled 1,705 California adult residents in both English, Spanish. The very first question posed to respondents was:

"which one issue facing California today do you think is the most important for the governor and state legislature to work on in 2018?"

Readers following the aggressive housing legislation being pushed through Sacramento by State Senator Scott Wiener might have expected housing costs to come right at the top of the list - but the survey tells a quite different story:

Housing costs come far down the list with only 3% of respondents listing it as the top issue that the governor and state legislature need to deal with. Instead issues that would be exacerbated by growing housing too fast are far more front of mind to California voters.

Immigration is listed as the top concern by 20% of respondents. Clearly this is a national news topic and a concern front of mind with policy shifts by the Trump administration.

Unsurprisingly jobs and the economy comes a distant second, listed by 9% of respondents. Education, schools and teachers comes third at 8%.

Then come a raft of issues that Wiener's housing legislation is likely to worsen:

Wiener and fellow Democrat's alarmism around housing appears to be at odds with what California's voters see as the top issues. The question arises, is the state government doing it's job? It appears to be focused on all the wrong things - perhaps distracted by the opportunity of appearing heroes solving a crisis.

This voter survey should be a wake up call to Scott Wiener and Kevin DeLeon that they don't have the right priorities and are not serving the people who elected them.


Public Policy Institute of California, Statewide Survey, Californians and their Government, January 2018


top issues, survey, voters, california