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MMWD Statements on Water Fluoridation Don't Add Up

MMWD is still telling us that MMWD is forced by the 1995 CA state mandate and the Marin Ordinance (that resulted from 1970's votes) to fluoridate our water. To support this, MMWD has made the below statements. However, many of these statements are contradictory and not supported by facts.

1) The 1995 CA state mandate forces the MMWD to use MMWD revenue to pay for water fluoridation.

2) NSF approval of hydrofluorosilicic acid (HFA) as a water treatment chemical authorizes MMWD to use HFA as a medical treatment chemical.

3) There is no difference between industrial grade HFA, naturally occurring calcium fluoride and pharmaceutical grade, FDA approved fluoride chemicals and they can be used inter-changeably.

4) Because MMWD categorizes HFA as a water treatment chemical, and not a medical treatment chemical, HFA does not have to be subjected to medical clinical trials.

5) HFA is an "approved drug."

6) Industrial grade HFA is safe and effective and even safe to give to bottle fed babies (per MMWD website).

7) Water fluoridation is in alignment with MMWD's Precautionary Principle.

8) The MMWD Board does not have the authority to pass an ordinance to stop the addition of toxic chemicals to the water supply.

9) If MMWD stops water fluoridation, CA state lawyers will come to Marin and make them fluoridate our water.

10) The board has no choice in the fluoride chemicals used and from whom purchased.

11) The board is being forced to use the water supply as a vehicle to medicate the community.

12) The MMWD must report to the state of CA the addition of fluoride to show they are doing so; even though MMWD site states this reporting is voluntary.

13) CA Department of Health has not been contacted about the mandate even though this department oversees the water fluoridation issue and the CA mandate because water fluoridation is a medical treatment, not a water treatment, issue.

14) The current science of this century unequivocally shows that water fluoridation is damaging the health of our environment, wildlife, natural waters, animals and humans. MMWD says the mandate and Marin ordinance trumps this scientific evidence. The "law" takes precedence over science, our health and the health of our environment.