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Angela Steinman

10 Skills Needed by All Modern Teachers

If teaching is your real passion, then you are cut out to open new worlds of knowledge to children. Most educators are eager to make the learning process pleasurable and engaging for students. But sometimes it seems like presentations, plays, and projects are just not enough. Education can be a fun process if tutor possesses necessary skills to make it enjoyable for everyone.

What are those skills that help modern educators reach an understanding with every person and deliver quality knowledge?

1. Make contacts

Did you hear about PLN? PLN stands for "personal learning network" or "professional learning network.” Your purpose it to join those professional learning networks and establish contacts with other teachers, administrators, and students around the world.

Share your ideas with colleagues in the area, and do not forget to cooperate with educators around the world.

2. Establish good relationships

What is meant by a "good relationship"? It's simple: try to know more about a person than just their name or nickname. Spend more time with your this person to get to know his or her better. Drink coffee together, talk on Skype. If you think, you have something to learn from this person, take your chance and make friends.

3. Apply technologies

There is uncountable number of innovative methods for improving learning, and new ones appear every day.

Technologies can turn tedious process of learning into lively and exciting activity! Learn to separate necessary information from unnecessary to understand how useful this or that technique or technology is in your work.

4. Search for useful services and resources

There are many services and resources that help bring technology into education. You have to try Feedly, Zite, and Rockmelt. Although not always the information they provide relates to education, these reading programs are must-visit-sites for any modern and active teacher.

5. Create a reputation online

Digital literacy is a necessary skill for modern tutor. Snapchat or Tumblr are unlikely to help you establish contacts with colleagues. Try social networks like Facebook or Instagram, where you can tell about yourself and keep colleagues updated about teaching and your life.

6. Learn how to blog

You can post photos of classes on Tumblr, or you can share your WordPress curriculum. In the end, you can simply post the most memorable sayings on Blogger for a day. Share your personal experience and find out new ways to enhance your teaching routine.

But be careful with the information you place, because it is almost impossible to remove it later. Once pressed to 'publish,' consider it engraved on the stone.

7. Do not hurry

Do not rush to finish the lesson just because "the sun is leaning toward sunset”. If one lesson is coming to an end, but the remaining time is not enough to start and explain the next topic well, take time to refine the current topic and open it better. Ask questions, think about whether some technology will help you in your classroom and relax.

8. Refuse if you think you need to

You will be facing a different situation in your career. Your task is to handle them the right way. Saying “no” is an essential skill for every teacher. Be straightforward, but not too strict.

9. Do not afraid to make mistakes

Do not be afraid that students, colleagues or administrators will find adversity in the approach you are trying. You are developing yourself even if you make mistakes. If you do not achieve the desired result, or do not reach any at all ... do not be afraid to leave this idea behind and move on.

10. Learn to rest

Every teacher has to know where to stop. Whether planning a class or just relaxing and watching a movie, diversity is the key to success. To keep your performance efficient, you have to rest from time to time.


modern teachers, learning methods, education