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Courtesy of Justin Hunt

Addicted to Porn: Chasing the Cardboard Butterfly

The title says it all in Justin Hunt’s latest documentary, Addicted to Porn: Chasing the Cardboard Butterfly.

Hunt’s intention is to catalyze a wide-ranging public dialog about this currently ignored addiction. To that end, the film models that intent—it serves as a microcosm of what the hoped-for public dialog could and should cover.

There is no doubt viewing large amounts of pornography changes behavior. But, is it an ‘addiction’? Only One of the film’s interviewees says, ‘no.’

However, it was not the other interviewees who convinced me porn is an addiction. Instead, it is the film’s centerpiece—the marriage of Betsy and Nate—that makes the point.

They were in love, and perfect together except for Nate’s addiction. Each speaking separately on camera, we learn that the two spent years together, and had two children as they struggled with his addiction. Tragically, Nate did not find the inner resources to break out. The pain and tragedy of their marriage is visceral.

The consuming of pornography is a moral, ethical, legal, political and public health issue. Although Addicted to Porn is just one film, it successfully invites a massive amount of serious consideration and understanding of humanity’s use of pornography.

I have seen and reviewed two of Hunt’s previous films: American Meth about our nation’s addiction to that drug, and Absent about fatherlessness in the United States.

I spoke with Hunt about Addicted to Porn. He noted that this is his most controversial film to date, and reiterated the damaging impact individually and society-wide of porn addiction. Hunt also emphasized this film is not a campaign against pornography. He is, though, passionate that its risks, damage, and ubiquitous presence in our world demand much more attention—especially to our children.

Like a growing number of documentary films, Addicted to Porn is more than a movie. It is an initiative with a strong intention to make a positive difference. To that end, in addition to seeing the film, I encourage you to go the film’s website and explore both the Shop and Resources at the top of the homepage.

Hunt is a serious young man and a talented filmmaker with great compassion for us human beings. Addicted to Porn contains no erotic or pornographic imagery. He is concerned about porn addicts—current or recovered, or any prospective viewers—who may be disturbed by that imagery.

Narrated by Metallica’s James Hetfield, Addicted to Porn is available from iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, Vimeo, Vudu, XBOX, and YouTube.

You can support Justin’s work by purchasing his films and related materials directly from his website.


Pictured: Justin Hunt


porn, addiction, justin hunt, documentary, james hetfield