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Fluoride fiction from our illustrious marin municipal water district
An excellent exposé on the truth about water fluoridation:
By Sushama Gokhale
MMWD: 1.What is fluoride? Fluoride is the 13th most abundant element in the earth’s crust and occurs naturally in almost all surface and ground waters. In Marin, the natural fluoride concentration is about 0.1 parts per million (ppm.) Seawater contains about 1.4 ppm fluoride. Fluoride also occurs naturally in many foods, including; tea, grape juice, seafood, and chicken.
THE TRUTH: It might be abundant, but it is a potent biological poison, that has no business being in our water supply.
MMWD: 2.What is fluoridation? Fluoridation is the addition of fluoride to a drinking water supply so that it contains the level recommended for optimal protection against tooth decay. According to the CDC, approximately 170 million people, or over two-thirds of the population in the United States, are served by public water systems that are fluoridated.
3.Can I use optimally fluoridated tap water to mix infant formula? Yes, according to the CDC, you can use fluoridated water for preparing infant formula. However, if your child is exclusively consuming infant formula reconstituted with fluoridated water, there may be an increased chance for mild dental fluorosis. To lessen this chance, the CDC suggests that parents can use low-fluoride bottled water some of the time to mix infant formula; these bottled waters are labeled as de-ionized, purified, demineralized, or distilled. Please visit this CDC site for more information
THE TRUTH: The CDC is one of the most corrupt agencies in the country, that has been co-opted by the pharmaceutical and other industries. 98% of the world does not fluoridate its water. Fluoride has created an epidemic of hypothyroidism, low IQs, bone cancer in our children, breast cancer and infertility in our women (here in Marin) and heavy metal toxicity in our general population. Think Flint Michigan.
MMWD: 4.Why is the Marin Municipal Water District fluoridating the water supply? The Marin Municipal Water District fluoridates its water supply because ballot measures approved by a majority of voters in 1972 and 1978 directed the district to fluoridate its water supply.
THE TRUTH: After the health hazard research came out in the last several decades, it was criminal to carry on with any ballot imitative, as if nothing happened in the interim. The MMWD is medicating our water under the aegis of a ballot measure passed on the basis of old science. This is like saying they will force smoking upon people because five decades ago, cigarettes were considered a health food.
MMWD: 5.How much fluoride is added to the drinking water? The district supplements naturally occurring fluoride in your drinking water to meet the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' recommendation of 0.7 mg/L, or milligrams per liter. This level is considered to be the optimal fluoride level in drinking water to prevent tooth decay.
THE TRUTH: Massive damage to children and animals at these levels. Does NOT prevent tooth decay. Actually masks it. False statement.
MMWD: 6.What chemical is being used? The district uses hydrofluorosilicic acid for drinking water fluoridation. The use of this chemical to fluoridate the districts water supply is approved, monitored, and regulated by the California Department of Public Health.
The California Department of Public Health requires all drinking water additives, including fluoride, to meet the requirements of NSF 60, the nationally recognized health effects standard for chemicals used to treat drinking water. 47 states require that chemicals used inM the treatment of potable water meet the NSF 60 standard. Hydrofluorosilicic acid, the additive we use, meets the requirements of NSF 60 and therefore is an approved fluoride compound.
THE TRUTH: This deadly acid displaces hydrochloric acid in your stomach, corrodes the intestinal lining, destroys gastric mucosa and causes bleeding, constipation, diarrhea, colitis in an alimentary canal gone dry. It gums up B12 assimilation and mineral absorption, and increases the absorption of lead in the water many fold. This is happening to our children folks. They are coming out the gate with mental problems. The MMWD is complicit in their ill health.
MMWD: 7.How much does MMWD spend to fluoridate the water? The annual cost to fluoridate the water is approximately $140,000. These funds are included in the annual operating budget of $75.5 million, fiscal year 2013-2014.
THE TRUTH: This $140K comes at the cost of public health, costs that run into billions of dollars. Our hospitals and doctors are thriving from the traffic created from this county wide poisoning.
MMWD: 8. Can Marin Municipal Water District stop fluoridating the water supply? No, MMWD does not have the authority to stop fluoridating. State legislation on water fluoridation also has a bearing on this issue. State Assembly Bill 733, which became law in 1995, requires water systems in California that have 10,000 or more service connections to fluoridate the water. The law does exempt water systems from this requirement if they do not have funds from outside sources to pay for the costs of fluoridation. Under the statute, “outside sources” are defined as sources other than the system’s ratepayers, shareholders, local taxpayers, bondholders, or any fees or charges levied by the water systems. Annually MMWD receives about 1 million dollars in rental income from antenna site and property leases. This income qualifies as an “outside source.” A careful review shows that even if there were a ballot measure within MMWD’s service area to overturn the 1978 fluoridation ballot measure, there is a strong argument and likelihood that the district would still be required to fluoridate the water supply because:
• MMWD has more than 10,000 service connections
• MMWD has outside income to pay the annual costs of fluoridation (see note below)
THE TRUTH: The MMWD does not have a right to medicate our water without our consent, no matter what ballot initiatives and bureaucratic mumbo jumbo they conjure up. We the taxpayers need to decide what is healthful to us and what is not, and implement it, no matter the outside threats.
MMWD: 9.What can I do to decrease the chances that my child’s teeth will develop fluorosis?
• You can breast feed. Breast milk is very low in fluoride. Nursing mothers or pregnant women who drink fluoridated water do not pass on significant amounts of fluoride to their child.
• You can use ready-to-feed formula.
• You can use powdered or liquid concentrate formula mixed with water that either is fluoride-free or has low concentrations of fluoride.
THE TRUTH: You can't decrease the chances of fluorosis if you are ingesting fluoridated water. Period. Where do they think the fluoride goes when a mother ingests it? Into the trash can, because it knows its a poison, and so it can conveniently spare the child? No. Fluoride flows straight via mother's milk into baby. Infact the Mum detoxes fluoride via the baby. That is a ridiculous and unscientific statement. And so egregiously untruthful.
The citizenry of Marin needs to be outraged by this. The MMWD accidentally overdosed our supply with fluoride in the late 1970's, without disclosing it to us. We have developed one of the highest breast cancer rates in the country. This accidental overdose was not disclosed to the citizenry. Fluoride is a potent carcinogen. Please share widely.
MMWD legal counsel Mary Casey fabricated the story about the MMWD Real Estate revenue qualifying as the mandate's needed "separate income" to pay for water fluoridation. This story was created by her in Feb of 2013 after we informed her about this clause. All MMWD revenue are comingled. The mandate does not force the MMWD to do their accounting this way. The decision to "use" the real estate revenue to pay for WF is a decision that must be voted on by the board. Mary Casey does not have the authority to make this decision. This is another reason why the MMWD is NOT bound by the mandate.