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Richard Hall

SMART Cannibalizes Funding for Novato Narrows

Today the Marin IJ published an article...

Marin commuters benefit from $18M funding deal after political dustup

While it is good that the IJ captured the controversy, instead of making the funding all sound great, a more accurate headline would have been "SMART cannibalizes funding away from fixing the Novato Narrows."

Years ago $18.2 million was allocated to build a new ferry terminal at Black Point near Novato. These plans were dropped freeing up the funding. Now $15 million will go to the Novato Narrows, and $3.2 million will be diverted to reconfigure the Bettini Transit center in San Rafael so that SMART can safely pass through this location.

SMART Fails to Pay Foreseeable Costs, Again

SMART promised voters it would deliver a line from Cloverdale to Larkspur for 1/4 cent sales tax. It promised never to raid funding from other transit projects. Time and time again SMART has been unable to fund foreseeable costs to deliver on its promise.

The Bettini transit center in San Rafael services 9,000 daily trips - it is well used. But it's current configuration mean that many of its platforms are placed right where the train will pass through. Of course all of this should have been foreseeable. The center is owned and operated by Golden Gate Transit - so SMART conveniently assumed someone else would pick up the tab for this direct train imposed cost.

Costs and Benefits

Here are some stats to help readers understand the impact of SMART and this diversion of funding:


So net net many tens of thousands of Marin and Sonoma commuters lose, but a tiny number of train riders "win".

Sonoma County Supervisor David Rabbit was right to be furious about this diversion of funds away from critical projects intended to genuinely benefit Sonoma commuters.

Proving Out SMART's Funding Cannibalization

This diversion of funds continues to prove out the Planning for Reality article penned by former Southern California Transit CFO Thomas Rubin:

Rail - The Transportation Cannibal


SMART, novato narrows