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Firefighters Union Opposes COIN Transparency in Marin Compensation Negotiations
Firefighters are battling the adoption of COIN (Civic Openness in Negotiations). This is a process recommended by a Marin Grand Jury to improve transparency, following a historical pattern of Marin jurisdictions awarding salary, benefit, and pension increases through processes that violated both the letter and spirit of transparent public disclosure and full opportunity for public participation.
Jody Morales sent around the message below and asked me to post it. (She pledges to do it herself next time!). Below Judy's missive you'll find a link to the PDF of the Marin Professional Firefighters' Unions to which Jody is reacting.
Open Letter from Jody Morales
A letter [see below] from the "Marin Professional Firefighters" union was sent to all government bodies in Marin. This one was sent to the fire district that serves Marinwood and also Upper Lucas Valley, where I live.
I found this statement particularly telling: "We believe that, in considering COIN, all impacts must be considered and weighed, including THE NUMEROUS HARMFUL AND COSTLY EFFECTS COIN WILL HAVE ON THE MUNICIPALITY'S FINANCES AND LABOR-RELATIONS WITH ITS PUBLIC SERVANTS."
The cost effect would be far less than what the taxpayers are now paying to support a preposterously bloated salary, benefit and pension system, where employees can retire in their early 50s and receive outrageous sums for decades. The facts are, in spite of what the firefighters claim, life expectancy for firefighters is the same as for the general population.
Referring to backers of COIN as "ultra-conservative anti-labor extremists" is absurd, and far from the truth. The union does not give any dollar figures for what they say it will cost to implement the measure. Instead, they accuse supporters of COIN of trying to "undermine the collective bargaining process..." Another gross untruth.
I urge all of you to attend your local Fire District, CSD, town and county meetings when COIN is on the agenda for discussion. If you can't attend, please write to them. The town of Larkspur has it on their agenda for Wednesday, July 15, although it is for discussion only. No response will be made to the Grand Jury report at that meeting.
This is the beginning of the fight against transparency. The subject is not on the Board of Supervisors agenda for next week, as was intended. The decision in Orange County has obviously altered their tactics for fighting the measure.
Residents can force change through constant pressure. Silence assures that the status quo continues. Don't let it.
I would like very much to hear your reactions to this Marin Professional Firefighters' letter.