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Gov. Brown signs AB157 to speed opening third lane on Richmond Bridge - public support credited

Representative Marc Levine just sent out this notice to Marin Residents.

Dear All,

I have great news. Because of your support, your petition signatures, and your calls to the Governor’s office, yesterday Gov. Jerry Brown signed our bill, AB157 into law, to speed up the re-opening of the third lane on the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge!

Thank you for all you have done to make this possible.

As you may know, while efforts had been under way in recent months to re-open the third lane during the especially busy evening commute hours, it was estimated that it could take as long as three years to do so. Now that AB 157 has passed, we have sped up that process by as much as 18 months.

Because of you, we will finally move forward with re-opening this lane after nearly four decades, to bring some much needed relief to tens of thousands of Bay Area commuters.

Here’s to less traffic, cleaner air, and more time with our families.

Thanks again for winning this one with me.

Marc Levine